Saturday, December 29, 2012

California visiting...


sis said...

Dear Blaze & Fam... so sorry you're having such a terrible time. don't worry, there may still be some snow and slush left when you get home!

(wish we were there........!)

Happy New Year, West Coast!!

Dr.SeaHunt said...

Great clip...such a cool lifestyle, maybe the Cooker needs to check it out?

By the way..did you notice the creature surfacing out of the water, approx 30 seconds into the clip? ..behind the boat...what was that?

Gerald Pea said...

That's a great video! The creature in the water is probably a Seal...they are everywhere out there. Two things...Who is singing the Song?...#2That is a real "Sissy Boat"! I need to hitch up The OLd Crow & get it out there for the next Booze Cruise!

EJM said...

Exactly right GPea, that was a seal. Second, the song is from John Mayer's new album "Born and Raised", and third, we had very nice visit with Jason and Courtney, and Sam, Kelly, and children stopped in too. Those kids are cute and getting big. I stopped all three of them in their tracks when they walked in and saw me... of course they thought it was Uncle, ah Uncle Gerald Pea.

Gerald Pea said...

EJM...I am not their UNCLE! I am their GrandPop! It took me a while when I was out there to get used to them calling me GrandPop & not Uncle Pea like Timmy's grandkids do...