Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Apparently Cartoonists in France & World-wide are staging a pretty cool comeback to the A..holes that caused such chaos in Paris this AM...

the power of the Pen

And how things should be...

why they did it?

And despite their masks, armor & get-a-way cars the two brothers have already been ID'd, 
ages 34 & 32

and they were aided by an 18 year old!

Updates to follow


the blog observer said...

I think Monseree tracked them down! Now all we have to do is wait 6 years before they go to Trial!

Gerald Pea said...

I have 4 brothers and a brother in law & I am so Happy that none of them asked me to do Jihad!

Tshirtim said...

When will the world decide to stand up to these nuts?