Saturday, March 14, 2015

riddle me this...

Just suppose we all got a Family spot at a Flea Market & sold our wares on a Saturday? Personally, I have no wares to sell. But!
My Sis has quilts, my brother's have plant holders whatevers, tables & stuff...

T shirt & sweat shirt printing
original novels signed by the Author!

And I am sure there are other ideas out there
Like I could sell my paintings on the sidewalk...
"please come to Boston in the spring time...'
I am sure it won't happen but if it did
don't you think it would be a Fun Day!?!

A Family Fair at a Flee Market!


Anonymous said...

Great Pea. We could be like a family gypsy band moving west selling our arts & crafts until we got pissed off at the whole idea & ran out of arts & crafts!

Cooker said...

I love it. Set it up Pea..I'll show up with my wares!

Tshirtim said...

I'll get started right away!

Gerald Pea said...

If we were really cool we would do this. Us elders would find an audience & perhaps have a profitable day. We could have Live Music, get rid of some junk and get a Tan on a warm summer day!