Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This is why Timmy was in A3 & I was in A14

I just finished this book. It's the 2nd time I read it. The 1st time I read it I thought of it as an Adventure story. The 2nd time I read it I thought of it as a Historical story.

It really is a good read

While I was reading it this time Timmy was asking me where I was in the book. He had read it 10 years ago...he was "jumping the shark" in telling me what was to come...

Remember, I had read the book just 3 years ago...

My big question was, "if you name your son Merriweather
what do his friends call him?"

Timmy said they called him Captain Lewis.

A-3 vs A-14

some people remember what they read.
Me? I remember what cards you are holding.


lovestoreadtoo said...

Dear "Peacemaker"-- I believe we are each born with OUR OWN gifts. That is clearly borne out in OUR family. You can't compare your gifts with anyone else's; there is a reason we received the ones we did...(I'm still trying to figure out mine and what I'll do with them when I do :) :.)

Mary said...

Pea.. I remember this book. I used it as a door stop about 12yrs ago. Great pictures!

Barry said...

I love reading!

Tshirtim said...

I love explains "WHY" to so many things and it predicts what "WILL" happen. Can't get enough.

Tshirtim said...

This book would make a great adventure movie. Compare it to rowing to Mars today. Jefferson told them they would see Mastadons and probably dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

what's a Mastadon?

Tshirtim said...

Dictionary definition:

A mastadon is an elephant who didn't shave.