Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I have a suggestion for a T shirt that Timmy refuses to Print!

We are all from Intercourse!
       come back & visit
Intercourse, Pennsylvania

Sunday, July 29, 2012

As a Fall Back, everyone should have at least two potatoes in their kitchen...

...along with some sour cream &/or butter. When you are hungry & just need a little something to eat you can Pop it in the Micro for 10 minutes. Add butter/sour cream/pepper/and other stuff & you got yourself a Meal!

If you are Really hungry you can have your baked potato with:

  • potato chips
  • french fried potatoes
  • some potato bread with butter on it
  • potato salad
  • mashed potatoes
  • potatoes au gratin
  • potato soup
  • etc...
and a Hi-ball of Potato Vodka & tonic! After the meal you and your company can then play a game!  May I suggest...
  • Mr Potato Head!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

While schmoozing at the Reunion Michael kept saying, "these pretzels are making me thirsty"

These pretzels are making me thirsty
Comes from Seinfield.
Used as a replacement for "this is making me angry", just like george does in a later episode.
You are at a cinema, people keep yaking on the phone, "these pretzels are making me thirsty" (this idiot is making me mad). Maybe in a conversation and you want some help to get out of it? You say, "these pretzels are making me thirsty". And your people know to come and rescue you.

I kept hearing, "THESE FRECKLES are are made on Thursday"  and I had no idea what he meant or that  he needed Help!

St Francis University Reunion

First they ate...then they Schmoozed ...  then they Played!

  • They Rocked the House!   Five Encores!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No one will listen to this, it's 7 minutes long, but I feel obligated to Post it

and by the way, Franklin Raines the CEO & COO walked away with a buy out of $240million...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Whew, Mr Croc, all I want to do is cross the River with my Kids!

OK you still want to mess with us?!?

So the Lion says, as the kids get to the other side, "what a Croc! Everybody OK?" Whew...


For the second time I had to Kill a Bee that was crawling into a crevice in my chair! With all the space they have around here why do they choose my chair to make their nest?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So I ask Michael, do I have to pay for a room @ your 40th College Reunion & Michael says...

...just tell them you are with The Band! This could be an interesting Friday night in Altuna.

  • Since The Band is not due on stage until 10:30PM I am thinking I will take the back roads to SFU. Route 30 to Route 220/99 to Altuna and eventually to Loretta!
Michael tells me the Campus is relatively Flat...so I will bring my TREK...Helmet, riding pants and riding gloves, along with my tight fitting biking jersey...to Tour the Campus...via Bike!

  • Steve K tells me they were the Hottest Act on Campus in '72 so be prepared for a "Babe Wave"!

A clip of Pres Obama's speech to The VFW Convention in Reno

"Because we're leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America. There’s more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go," President Obama said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno.

"Four years ago, I stood before you at a time of great challenge for our nation. We were engaged in two wars. Al Qaeda was entrenched in their safe havens in Pakistan. Many of our alliances were frayed. Our standing in the world had suffered. We were in the worst recession of our lifetimes. Around the world, some questioned whether the United States still had the capacity to lead," Obama said earlier in his speech.

"So, four years ago, I made you a promise. I pledged to take the fight to our enemies, and renew our leadership in the world. As President, that’s what I’ve done. And as you reflect on recent years, as we look ahead to the challenges we face as a nation and the leadership that’s required, you don’t just have my words, you have my deeds. You have my track record. You have the promises I’ve made and the promises that I’ve kept," he said.

  • Will it Fly?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The current sophistication of PhotograPea

They had 3 photographers w/ really Hi-tech cameras. They had at least 6 Towers placed throughout the room that would Flash when a picture was taken, to enhance the Lighting. I took 115 photos. They had to have taken Thousands! On her 1st toss, Samantha threw the Bouquet in the Chandelier! They made her squat for the re-take & her Sister caught it! I need more hi-tech Gear!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Just to change the Theme of The Blog (ahemm) I present one of "My Plants"!

With this beautiful photo to look at maybe now I won't be checking out that Hurdler Video every time I check into The Blog!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

does "faux" mean Fake?!? !@#$%!@#$%^$%!?!!?!


$399.00 â€“ $419.00 SALE $179.99 â€“ $319.99

  • The pared-down style of British campaign furniture is echoed in our Chase Director's Barstool. Crafted from mahogany-stained hardwood, it has a comfortable seat and back slings made of chocolate "faux" leather.
    • Medium: 22" wide x 20.5" deep x 43" high
    • Tall: 22" wide x 20.5" deep x 47" high
    • Expertly crafted of solid hardwood and faux leather.
    • Finished by hand in vintage mahogany.

During a Tour of The Pea's Pad @ The Pool Party

someone said I need a Photo of Jason & Courtney, so I'm going to Frame this one.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What I did Today

I went to The Outlet called Pottery Barn & bought my niece Samantha a wedding gift. Six outdoor wine glasses & a throw blanket. Then, I saw this chair.

  • Originally priced @ $349.99, then reduced to $279.88 it was On Sale for $88.99
I offered $50.00 and they said NO! I offered $70.00 and they said NO! I said will you give me $10.00 off the Sticker Price ? And they said YES!
  • $78.99 for what I call a Castle Chair! Of course, I have no place for it or need for it, I just thought it was a good deal!

Monday, July 16, 2012

GeraldPea PhotograPea

My 1st Photo Shoot was today. Took a lot of shots & was disappointed @ 1st.\

Now I am home on my Mac & they look a lot better...Focusing was what I thought my problem was, and it was in about 15% of the shots. Centering the camera on the subjects was a problem about 30% of the time! I can work on both of those things. Fun stuff!

  • Originally gave myself a D-, I now change my Grade to a C...