Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McKendry Brothers Rehearse for February 23 gig!

McKendry Brothers were spotted in Allentown rehearsing for the February 23 event. It didn't last long, when Michael and the dogs needed a rest, they settled in on the blue chair.

Too Old For Music?

  • Too many things on this list hit close to home. How about for you? You know you're too old to play gigs when: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. It becomes more important to find a place on stage for your fan than your amp 2. Your gig clothes make you look like George Burns out for a round of golf. 3. All your fans leave by 9:30 p.m. 4. All you want from groupies is a foot massage and back rub 5. You love taking the elevator because you can sing along with most of your playlist 6. Instead of a fifth member, your band wants to spring for a roadie 7. You lost the directions to the gig 8. You need your glasses to see the amp settings 9. You've thrown out your back jumping off the stage 10. You feel like hell before the gig even starts. 11. The waitress is your daughter 12. You stop the set because your ibuprofen fell behind the speakers 13. Most of your crowd just sways in their seats 14. You find your drink tokens from last month's gig in your guitar case 15. You refuse to play without earplugs 16. You ask the club owner if you can start at 8:30 instead of 9:30 17. You check the TV schedule before booking a gig 18. Your gig stool has a back 19. You're related to at least one member in the band 20. You don't let any one sit in 21. You need a nap before the gig 22. After the third set, you bug the club owner to let you quit early. 23. During the breaks, you now go to the van to lay down 24. You prefer a music stand with a light 25. You don't recover until Tuesday afternoon 26. You hope the host's speech lasts forever..... 27. You buy amps considering their weight and not their tone or cool factor. 28. Feeling guilty looking at hot women at the bar 'cause they're younger than your daughter. 29. You can remember seven different club names for the same location ... 30. You have a hazy memory of the days when you could work 10 gigs in 7 days and could physically do it. 31. When your groupies begin to carry photos of their grandchildren. 32. When they request "Brown-Eyed Girl" and "Mustang Sally"...and you are actually happy to play them. 33. There's a free bar, and the ginger ale looks tempting. 34. You *really* look forward to break time. 35. When your pay-to-age ratio becomes divisible by two.

Do people still have Dinner Parties ?

Eddie and Susan had one a few weeks ago...we didn't have to bring anything if we didn't want to ! It was NOT one of those "pot luck" meals or Buffets...It was a Sit Down, Chrystal, Silver on the Table, China on Display type of Dinners and it was a Pleasure. But, it did not qualify as a "Dinner Party". A dinner party is when you invite non-Family people to your home, ie, people from work, neighbors, acquaintances...people you hardly know! People that may be people you like or loathe...

Do people do that stuff today?

jus wonderin'

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How did it go the Last Time you made a phone call while under Duress ? or are we just being Big Babies?

Posted by Picasaps...the Monkey survived...(and they had no cell phone!)
click on the Collage to make it Jump Out at You....
or are y'all BIG BABIES..!@#$%?ARRRRRGGHHH!
posted by Tom Coughlin...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Since our Family has never been here before...

I think we 'outa set up a "POOL" on what the date will be or what the Total (cumulative) Poundage will be when the Trips' arrive. (I have been out of the Baby Birth thing for 30 years or so, but... I am sure there must be ways to establish the Date...but the Poundage?)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Rose must remain...with the Sun and the Rain

I found My Godfather DVD's! ...or its' lovely promise won't come True ... to each its' own, to each its' own, and my you... (as sung by johnny fontane)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Peppi la Pew...

It was just another TGIF morning. Sippin' the morning coffee, reading the paper, planning my day. Molly was leaving with the kids to school and ol' Smitty rides with her everyday. She let's Smitty out. Girls putting their coats on. A minute later Smitty barks to come in. Hmmmmm? She lets him in. He takes 2 steps and Molly screams, "SKUNK, SMITTY GOT SPRAYED!!!!!" Fiona and Deirdre come running to see what's up. I jump up and am shouting "Get him out, get him out" as Molly already has old Smit on the back porch. I thought the 10 point deer on the front step Thanksgiving or the 2 burning holiday ovens were crisis situations. Pale in comparison to this. Old Smitty is standing on the backporch with his head down, tail drooped and he ain't moving an inch. I swear I heard him say, "%*#@^ing skunk" clear as a bell. Meanwhile the entire house is filling up with the MOST rank smelling skunk spray you ever laid olfactory nerves on. It must have been the Barry Bonds of skunks. The wallpaper was starting to peel off the walls. Paint was blistering right up as I watched. We all scrambled for the furthest point in the house from the eye of the storm.....Big Mo's bedroom. As the Princess topped off her beauty sleep we charged into the room screaming "Ahhhhhhhh choke, choke" The girls were having laughing fits. Molly was picked to retrieve their schoolbags for a back door exit. It was a scene right out of Saving Private Ryan. "Get out there Molly, WE NEED THOSE BAGS!!!" A short while later, after the girls were delivered to school and we realized that the odor in the house and on our clothes, was getting worse, Molly wondered if the girls clothes were stinky too. How do you call a new school and diplomatically ask them to smell your kids to see if they smell like little skunks? The call was made and a short time later the school called back. When I answered it sounded like a ransom call might sound as the person was definetly disguising their voice. Then I recognized the nasally sound and knew the caller was pinching their nose. "Come get your kids!!!! PLEASE!!!!" Deirdre was retrieved, sobbing, from the nurse's office and Fiona would be released as soon as her entire class was done wiping all their desks down with sani-wipes, seems the unknowing teacher detected a foul odor. Wonder where that came from? So here I sit, smelling like Peppi La Pew. Spent $20.00 at the doggy wash de-skunking my faithful friend. Another $ 25.00 at the pet shop on skunk stuff and Google tells me a concoction of peroxide, baking soda and dish detergent should do the trick. Maybe I retired too early.

The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time

This is dated in August '03... Where is Eddie Blaze?
Rolling Stone - The List

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Three Peas ?

Phillies Caravan Hits the Lehigh Valley

Went to see the Phillies Caravan last night. Had a 10-minute chat with "the Skipper", Charlie Manuel. I will say, he is much more appealing in person vs. in the media. He told some very funny stories during the dinner and had everyone laughing with a great poem he recited and I think he made up! The caravan included: Pat Gillick, Harry Kalas, Brett Meyers, Jeff Jenkins, Gregg Gross (hitting instructor the Iron Pigs - where did THAT career go wrong?), and Michael Jack Schmidt showed up (after I left, of course). Watching these guys, you could see it's something the HAVE to do. But, they turn it on when they speak and they did mingle for a long time with everyone. Iron Pigs play the Phils in the first game ever at the new Coca Cola Park on March 30th. From the Lehigh Valley, I'm Eddie Blaze.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One Pea-ta Pocket Please...

Pita (also called and more commonly known as pitta or pita bread and pronounced "pitta" in Greek) is an often round, brown, wheat flatbread made with yeast.
Similar to other double-layered flat or pocket breads, pita is traditional in many Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines. It is prevalent from North Africa through the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula to India and Afghanistan, coinciding with the spread of the Hellenistic world. The original pita is cooked flat without any rising. This type, known as the Greek pita, is the most well known and universal type; others include Indian pitas.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Larry Kane agrees with ThePea

Behavior of The New York Giants Coach Shows What’s Wrong About American Sports at The Larry Kane Report (click on the Title to read what Larry says) You may recall, in an earlier Post, the Blogmeister asked, "who could ever play for Tom Coughlin?" To their credit, The New York Football Giants (you have to think of Howard Cosell when you read that) are ignoring that Ignoramus and moving on...!



Gissele said..."I'll bet those flowers are for me"!

Open Comment Segment...

And you have what to say about what?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Will not let the Holiday pass without acknowledging Martin

If he were alive today I do believe he would be a Republican...this was a "Good Guy"... with flaws...which most people have...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

For those who can read...

(click the collage to get a Tour of Lititz)
If you could leave your life and enter into another "world, time, place, dimension, etc..." from a BOOK that you've READ what would it be and why? (Blog topic??) This was sent to me by "Momma in Lititz" for posting. She wants to be anonymous.

Good to see you all in Allentown

It was great to get together in Allentown. Among many funny moments, was the "SNAP OFF". The defending champ continues to reign.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Like I often do when out Dining...

I ordered Veal Parmigiana...
  • Got the platter
  • It had the noodles
  • Had the meat
  • Had the cheese on Top of the Meat

The wind must have been blowing in the right direction cause I heard the waitress ask if I wanted parmajohna on that...

I said nothing when I looked at the waitress...Judith Ann repeated what the Waitress asked

Jason looked at me and said, "well, do you?"

I said "SURE!", but thought... (why do you have to ask if I want parmajion cheese on Veal parminajon ?)

...Waitress goes to get the cheese, and Jason & Judith Ann laugh and ask...

"You don't know that it is mozerella cheese on that veal ?"

I say "No...then I ask them, if it's Motserella cheese why don't they call it 'Veal Motzerella' ? "...

Got home, Googled meat & cheese, and found there are Multiple ways to spell the same cheeses.

and "FINE DINING" is often confusing...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chicken abuse...

(Did you know you can click on the Topic to read the Article?)
"PETA" (People Eager To Antagonize) along with "PWTMTOTH" (People With too Much Time On Their Hands) ...Have joined Forces!
They are not Happy that we actually kill the chickens before we Eat them.
You don't eat meat...Do you...?

What is the one thing that creeps YOU out?

It was recently revealed that a certain Homecoming Queen is creeped out by dolls! Who knew?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One of my Brothers Cried after reading this book...

And I did too...a Wonderful story about Family, Relationships, Pets, Children, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Humor, etal...
My Brother cried because he did not think to write the book FIRST !
My Brother has been through the Marley thing at least NINE (9) Times...
Family Pets are Important... LOVED and now "Profitable"...
I understand there may be "snickers" here about a Book that is about 3 years old...
I was waiting for the "Borders" Discount and finally "got it"

Don't send in the clowns - Yahoo! News

...and I agree with Anna...Clowns give me CHILLS.... brrrrrrr...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pleeeze don't shut down the Blog...I'll give you my paw...

Tonight, for a split second, our Blogmaster (GeraldPea) threatened to shut down the Blog because he needed a break. The Blogmaster is feeling unloved, under-appreciated, and is running out of creative, thought-provoking topics that will create a flurry of responses. Our Blogmaster feels that if no one is responding, then no one cares. Let's agree that sometimes our Blogmaster does post some subjects/ideas that leave this reader a little lost...I'm not sure how to respond (e.g. Beetlejuice...what do I care about Beetlejuice?). But IR-REGARDLESS of what topics he posts, no matter how silly, no matter how random...we need to reassure the Blogmaster that this family forum is one of our main forms of communication. It's an important source for our pent-up, random, stupid humor. AND...where else can we see a meaningless video of Isabella playing with a crazy cameraman who keeps chasing her around the house?? Anyway, GeraldPea, the Blog is important to this writer. It's important to this writer's wife, who visits it a few times a day. It's important to this family, even if we don't say it out loud. In the words of your son Sam, " listen to Rush Limbaugh every day. How many times have you called his show? (Never)... that doesn't mean no one is listening". Carry on my wayward son. Take your Blog and go forth...we are counting on it! Keep the Blog alive!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

It's a miracle I tell 'ya!...the Miracle of Soda Bread!

Remember that little crippled kid in Lancaster and the lady that visited him and brought the soda bread? The kid ate it in record time and just knew that there was something special about that moist, raisin-full, eye-popping, large, round, scrumptious, loaf of delectibility. Within a matter of days after eating that blessed lady's soda bread the kid returned to his ortho doctor who said he had never seen such a tragic wound heal so quickly and perfectly. So perfect in fact that there was no longer a need for a cast, after only 2 short weeks!! Alleluia folks! The crippled kid is gonna make it afterall. For a limited time only, you too, can have a miraculous soda bread. Just send $29.95 plus shipping to Crippled Kid, Lancaster, PA. (cash only) and the kid will see what he can do for you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

YouTube - Captin Stinky

YouTube - Captin Stinky ISABELLA....Xpressin.... Posted by Jason Peter McKendry, age 30, SSN 123-456-7890, Bank Acct # 3245789!,Auto vin # 1274989974v77f4499 If you feel the need to call the SPCA the # is 215-Bow-Wow! PS... I have gotten phone calls regarding this Post! It was done with tongue Firmly implanted in cheek!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

TJ is not the Only One Suffering...!!!

SODA BREAD....!!!!
I lay here with a Broken Heart...waiting for delivery...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I am still looking for a Girls' bike for the Mrs...

anyone?.........anyone?........anyone?.....I will return it when the Mrs tires of it ( i'm guessing 3 weeks...Max)...anyone?

Back to the Hat Thing...

Hats are Cool...from this photo of Bill Schnieder, Senior Political Corespondent for CNN
you can tell that you can sell any kind of Hat to anyone! short story...walking Ridge Ave with Coco I stopped three Black kids and said to them, " I have been looking in stores for the kinds of Hats you guys wear...the kind that have the Peak going left or right...all I have been able to find are Hats that have a Peak that goes Forward...where do you Guys find those Hats..." ? They looked at each other, looked @ Coco, then looked @ Me and said..."y'all jus nee to cop a hat an spin it on y'all bal' head mother'Jumper..."
who woulda thunk it was that ez...?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Who's Who ?

and if you owned the Tennessee Titans would you dress your Team in "Blessed Mother Blue?"

Saturday, January 5, 2008

She would be the one.

The anonymous redhead has been in Hawaii the last couplea weeks. She tells us she was on a chartered sailboat with the Rowands and Eric Gagne and his family. When introduced she says, " Don't you play for the Flyers?" Take the girl outta the Port but not the port outta the girl.

Who belongs to a Gym ?

Posted by PicasaJanuary 7, a Monday, is the official start of 2008...
I have not joined a GYM
I do plan to use Fairmount Park as a Gymnasium
(Mr 232.5)

Friday, January 4, 2008


NO Soda Bread this Holiday Season.... ? Major Bummer..... thanks for Ruining IT for All of us TJ... We read your e-mail...we empathize with you and your Pain... Maureen was your Savior, if not for her we would be attending your Funeral along with the Mal-practice court case involving Dr Cash... 24 years since a "broken bone" ? WHO CARES !? ! Because of your Carelessness and your lack of Dog Control ... You have cost ALL of us... An IRISH Soda Bread.... Glad you are getting Better, but... I wish I had my Soda Bread...!!!! Alyce...your brothers' need the bread...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035