Friday, February 29, 2008

Another example of my newly learned Expertise in "copy & paste"

  • "Today's decision to shelve the contempt process, in violation of a federal statute, shows that the White House will go to any lengths to keep its role in the U.S. attorney firings hidden," said Conyers. "In the face of such extraordinary actions, we have no choice but to proceed with a lawsuit to enforce the committee's subpoenas".

  • I only wish my 3 Liberal Brothers' understood what tree John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi are Barking up...(it's the Wrong Tree!) PS...yes, this is Politics... and I enjoy it...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do the Parents of young ones' ever consider...

  1. Having your young one learn one of the Martial Arts?
  2. Having your young one learn another Language?

Monday, February 25, 2008

A Question to the William Zee type Phlyer Phans in the Group...

Last time I checked, back in January, the PHYLERS were doing well...They are now headed for a Record 12th loss in a row...WHAT HAPPENED ? William Zee...Phamily Phlyer Phenom, Esquire, Husband of Seana, Father of Liam and Maeve, Son-in-Law of Maureen, and all-around-good-Guy will now explain to us what Ails the Phylers...

My Grandkids!

Cool stuff....and they have no clue how "cool" their Granpa is....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

How about this stat...

In his last "SEVEN" tournaments Tiger Woods has Won over $7.5million... In his "CAREER", Jack Nicklaus won just over $5.8million... hey PGA..."Who's your Daddy" ?

Do You spend much time pondering What to Wear ?

Do you Shop for a specific Style ?Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 22, 2008

We shoulda known then

Looking at the snow this morning reminded me of those snow days on "D" St. and remembering the strategy used to get the shovel, before your brothers, so you could make a few bucks. The brotherly competition dropped off in direct proportion to the brother's age. Can't recall Johnny wrestling anyone for the shovel. Then I thought, "we had the same rusty, bent lip, wooden, d-handle shovel my whole life! By my calculations I am on my 116th snow shovel since I've been married. Why didn't we buy a few more shovels? Then we ALL could've been out shoveling, making a few bucks. We should've known then that the "how to make a buck" spirit didn't reside at 4918. Then again, Cooker did open that tie store on Boudinot St.......

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How old were you when you got your first Converse ?

It was a Friday afternoon, the Summer of 1960 & I needed sneakers...we were burning ants with a magnifying glass, me and my friends. We were sitting on the front steps... my Mother comes out the front door and says..."Gerry, here's $10.00, go get Sneakers." I had never held a $10.00 bill in my hand before...I said, "Can I get Converse?"..."OK", she said and off we were to COOPERS SPORTING GOODS, smoldering ants in our Wake, for my first pair of Converse!!!... after which I could run faster and jump higher than any other ant burner in the neighborhood...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Convection Oven vs Standard Oven

Without looking it up----do you know the difference between these two cooking methods? Reason I ask, more & more cooking instructions mention "convection"... Drives me crazy!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

TOP 10 WAR MOVIES...and Honorable Mentions.

  1. Apocalypse Now
  2. Path's of Glory(WWI)
  3. The Thin Red Line(WW2)
  4. All Quiet on the Western Front(WWI)
  5. Battleground(WW2)
  6. Saving Private Ryan(WW2)
  7. Full Metal Jacket(Viet Nam)
  8. MASH(Korea)
  9. Gettysburg(Civil War)
  10. The Red Badge of Courage(Civil War)

Honorable Mentions....Platoon(1986)...A Bridge too Far(1977)...Objective Burma(1945)...Glory(1989)...Deer Hunter(1978)...Bridge Over the River Kwai(????)

for debate purposes only....

As Opposed to Most People I know...

I enjoy watching Golf on TV... Other than Bowling, it is the only mainstream Professional Sport Challenge where YOYO Truly Applies !!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let the Games Begin !

"Let me tell you this: Without Santana, we felt as a team that we have a chance to win in our division. With him now, I have no doubt that we're going to win in our division," Beltran said. "So this year, to Jimmy Rollins -- we are the team to beat!"

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Latest Family Tally

(John's Flourtown apartment looks like a good place for a Party! he also has a Ping Pong table ! )
I vote that next year's holiday gathering is held at John's Flourtown apartment AND EVERYONE'S INVITED!!! Alyce & Paul • Chris & Dave o McKenna o Hope • Patty & Kevin o 3 babies due soon • Susan & Scott o Paul o Andrew o Max o Calvin • Michael & Margo o Maggie • Mary & Mike John • Nicole & Jeff Gerry • Sam & Kelly o Justin o Amanda o Baby due soon • Jason o ? Michael & Mary • Katie & Hap o Matthew o Michael • Karen & Brett o Emily o Baby due soon • Sarah & Eric Timmy & Maureen • Molly & Joe o Faith o Fiona o Dierdre o Nora • Seana & Bill o Liam o Maeve • Kate & Andy o Timmy o Teagen • Meghan & Aaron o Declan o Baby due soon • Maura o ? • Keelan o ? • Padraic o ? • Eddie & Susan o Chris o Anna TOTAL: 71 people...Wow. Get a hobby!

With the birth of Teagan chances are we will have a Diva in the will they act?

Beyonce's "Queen" a Royal Pain for Aretha02/13/2008 6:00 AM, E! OnlineThere are plenty of divas. But there can only be one queen. Aretha Franklin has lashed out at well-intentioned comments made by Beyoncé Knowles during the latter's introduction of Tina Turner on the Grammy stage Sunday night. Franklin, 65, says she felt disrepected after Knowles referred to Turner as the Queen, while relegating Franklin to a brief name check in a long list of inspirational singers past, an act apparently tantamount to musical heresy. "I am not sure of whose toes I may have stepped on or whose ego I may have bruised between the Grammy writers and Beyoncé. However, I dismissed it as a cheap shot for controversy," a clearly offended Franklin said in an unprompted statement issued by her publicist.

New Kid In Town

At 1:32 AM on 2/13, weighing 7 lbs. 5 ozs. with a full head of hair, a little GIRL arrived for Kate & Andy and big brother Timmy. No name yet but Timothea is running in first place.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Queen's Innocence Lost @ 30,000 feet.

If you buy a first-class plane ticket should your flight be guaranteed "first class"? A local Homecoming Queen was returning from a field hockey Disneyworld tourney Sunday night and as is befitting her regal status, she treated herself to a first class upgrade. Why not? What noble wants to travel with serfs in steerage? Minutes into the flight a 45ish, overtanned, wrinkly, smeared makeup wearing, braless, falling out of her muffin wearing, tube top bimbo, in the row behind her Amish royalness, started screaming at our Queen in drunken jibberish. Not being accoustomed to such verbal abuse Queenie was shocked! Bimbo lady then proceeds to grope the man across the aisle from her, later to be identified as the Superintendant of Schools for Baltimore County, and steals one of the files he was reading. She jams it in her handbag and points to Queenie and slurs, "Shleee took it!" A black male flight attendant tries to use his charm to end this standoff. Tube top girly apparently is looking for love in all the wrong places and seductively asks the attendant, "You the only brown boy on this plane?" Queenie feels herself blushing. Flight attendant training flies out the window. "Whatjewsaygirl?" "You call me boy?" Flight atendant 2 arrives to quell the seduction. In his sweet, southern, alternate lifestyle, loafer wearing, manicured nails, plucked eyebrow, masculine voice, asks muffin top momma, "Is there a problem miss?" Lush lady says, "Yesh, she (pointing to our tiara wearing heroine) stole his file!" "WHATTTTT?" Queenie yells. Loafer boy plops down next to our vodka -on-the-rocks lady and places his hand on her leg in an Oh-so-sweet-way. Being an admirer of the feminine lifestyle, I guess he felt they were intimate friends. So did Tube Momma as she grabbed his limp little wrist and shoved it down her Double D tube top and gave that boy the thrill of his life as she yells, "You're sexually assaulting me!" He blurts "Honey, I'm gay and wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole". After she grabbed Superintendant's buttocks as he stood to lodge a protest and before she sprayed the restroom with her now kidney filtered vodka, she was informed by Flight Attendant # 3, the former 1955 Miss TWA, that she would be arrested when the plane landed at BWI. Upon arrival, police and an anti-terror trained, rent a cop lady, who specializes in cavity searches, boarded and asked Tube Momma "Did you steal that man's file?" "Nope, SHE DID" as she fingers The Queen! Queenie has visions of an appearance on "Cops". After an illegal search and seizure, the file is found in Vodka on the rocks' handbag as she is dragged off pleading to Queenie, "HELP ME, HELP ME" Ahh, so that's what goes on behind those first class curtains.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Esteemed Government at Work...

The people in Washington have, are, or may investigate:
  1. Did Roger Clemens use steroids...along with his Wife?
  2. Did the Patriots tape a "walk through"?
  3. Does Arlen Specter need to open an investigation?
  4. Did Barry Bonds, etal, use steroids?
  5. Was Tom Coughlin too tough on his team, thereby enabling them to win the Super Bowl?

Is this the kind of thing we elect a Congress to do?

Or should we just leave it up to Football and Baseball? Not to mention ALL the other sports affected?

CAN you spell "Political Grandstanding?"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

BLOGGING & Assumptions

Some False Assumptions:
  1. Blogging takes too much time from my busy Schedule
  2. Blogging requires you to be computer Literate

Some True Assumptions:

  1. Most people over 45 have no clue what a Blog is
  2. Most people that participate in a Blog Enjoy the Experience

Some Conclusions:

  1. Blog on! It's a Fun way to Express yourself
  2. Blogging is a great way for old/or young to cumulatively (?) communicate
  3. Introduce someone to Blogging! START A BLOG!
  4. IT's FREE!!!

Sometime Soon Blogging will be Passe'...some Nerd, right now, is working on a better system....

Friday, February 8, 2008


When your Kid invites you to a Boat Show do you assume they are buying you a Boat?...Jason invited me to the Atlantic City Boat Show far as I know, he did not buy me a Boat... ASSUMPTIONS

How would that Work? Would the Pesident & Generals just "sing" to Al Quaida? or would Ahkmandinijad do the singing?

Canadian folk rock legend Neil Young said he has lost all hope that music can change the world, as he presented a documentary about his 2006 anti-war concert tour at the Berlin film festival on Friday. "I know that the time when music could change the world is past. I really doubt that a single song can make a difference. It is a reality," Young told reporters. Then thepea then asked... "What State Leader, Dictator, General, Politician, Pope, Savior, Communist, Fascist, Sindonistis, Hoa Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Richard Nixon, Joseph Stalin, Hugo Chavez, Adolph Hitler, Mussolini.....person has ever said that MUSIC!!! CAN CHANGE THE WORLD? " And now, Mr Neil Young is Down in the Dumps because, he has lost all Hope that it can... ??? Ya talk about your Egotistical, Self Important, Hedonistic, narcissistic people...YIKES!!!

Einstein & Me

Watched a cable program on the Greatest Scientific Minds last night. They picked Galilleo (poor guy had no first name) Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkings. Gallileo was tried, excommunicated and imprisoned for believing the Sun was the center of the solar system, Newton was a whack job who had zero social skills, Einstein was a party boy in college who couldn't get a job and Hawkings isn't dead yet so they're holding off saying nasty things about him I guess. All of them used mathematics to prove stuff about space. They worked on these math problems for years. Same friggin' problem for years! There were some of Fr. Gallagher's algerba I problems I could work on for light years and still wouldn't know where to start. Imagine if the world counted on us to solve these math problems!! I have trouble concentrating for 5 minutes on one thing let alone years. "Hmmm, black holes in space where do they go hmmmmm.....wonder where the chicken's fingers are?" That's more of my thought process. Then I thought this morning, "Does any of that stuff have an impact on me?" I'm never going to space. Could care less about black holes, relativity, solar systems, apples falling from trees etc. If that stuff was important why didn't they teach us that in grade school? If we ever had a grade school science class it was while I was out unloading penny pretzels or setting up chairs in the hall for Mr. Crosby and Frank. Frank was a lot like Galilleo, he had no last name either. I guess that's why girls were always smart, they never were sent out to unload pretzels. If there's a hell for Einstein and the boys it's probably spending eternity stuck in a classroom with guys like me who spend their time wondering deep thoughts like, "How many mini-marshmallows could I fit in my mouth?" How's that for a black hole?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

BASKETBALL...(there is Not ONE Player in the NBA that could not play in the NFL)

Basketball Players are the Best Athletes in the World. Not many NFLers could be NBAers
Posted by PicasaWe used to play "PIG" to see who had the best Moves and was later changed to"HORSE" to give those without Moves and a Shot a better chance...The Driveway Game is now called "ELEPHANT", from what I understand. Hippopautomous is not too far off...
Just to make it more FAIR...


One of these people will be the next POTUS, (or Ass't POTUS)....

I'm just really glad that Algore is not among the choices...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Getting Old & Still Rockin'

Recently I have had a few discussions with a certain member of the "Brothers" band, concerning aging and playing Rock 'n Roll...pacifically, when does it all "end"...will we know the "end is near"...that is to say, have we "rocked our last Gig", so to speak... just curious, because I have begun to think that we may be too close to the situation to "tell", therefore, I am sending out this informal questionaire / poll, if you will, to see if you the public have an opinion on this pacific am asking you to "drop us a line", at your leisure...and let us know what you think...I can assure you your responses will remain "our little secret"....Thank you and Good Rocking!

Scary Thought

Out of nowhere today, well actually while playing with Timmy Semisch and he stuck caramel up his nose, I thought "KINNEY GERMS!!!!!" Remember them??

A New Day Has Arrived...

Like my father, I too am getting VERY WEIRD... I have so much to say but I'm always getting slammed down by "The Man"... Gerald Pea and his stinking proof-reading on The New GP Blog. I have decided that it is now or never. It's time for my own blog! I invite you all to visit the new "TheJasonPea" Blog! Get it while it's Hot, Get it while it's buttered!

Beasley Reece Agrees!!!

Beasley's Blog Beasley's Blog CBS 3 Sports Director Beasley Reece has the latest on news and views on the Philadelphia Eagles and other local sports teams. The Wing Bowl - January 29, 2008 Super Bowl Sunday is upon us. The unofficial National Holiday matches Champions of the toughest Conferences in the World; the NFC and the AFC. This annual event is a devastating time for the American Chicken. The Chicken Wing is a staple of the game-time snack tray. Now "The Yard Bird" has a special problem in the City of Philadelphia. An interesting phenomenon was spawned in 1993 as a way to add to the competitive atmosphere leading up to the big game. It's a contest known as, "Wing Bowl." This vile, disgusting, despicable, display of debauchery and gluttony is an annual exhibition of poor taste and foul behavior. I know…I know…you just sighed and said to yourself, lighten up Beas. I simply feel compelled to remind you that the glorification of excess is a dangerous thing. It's the type of behavior that brought down the Roman Empire. Philadelphia is statistically one of the fattest cities in America. Where else can you find an annual contest that ranks up there with a Sixers or Flyers game when it comes to attendance? Think I'm exaggerating? Over 20,000 fans stuffed the Wachovia Center to witness Wing Bowl XV. This City is complaining about the quality of school lunches while it preps to host Wing Bowl in its Sports Complex. And our bellies are adapting to the strain of the contest. The 1993 winner filled his colon with 100 wings. Back to Back Titlist, Joey Chestnut consumed (temporally) 182 "Barn Yard Bird" appendages to win last years gathering of competitive eaters. Competitive Eaters! This is out of control. Who could live with a Competitive Eater in the house? Can you imagine the noises and smells that must eagerly escape a professional speed eater? Let's review a few high points of the average Wing Bowl. Women expose themselves (tops and bottoms), there are food fights, extreme and creative strings of profanity from the fans, public intoxication, and female escorts in lingerie and bikinis. Those young ladies are known as Wingettes. To earn the right to escort a person who will soon be expelling partially mashed poultry parts, these Ladies allow themselves to be subjugated. Sex jokes, jeers, cat calls, whistles, and exploitive suggestions are part of the deal. Several Wing Bowl Champions have become local celebrities. Bill Simmons, AKA El Wingador, is almost as famous as Donovan McNabb. Unlike #5, El Wingador is a four time Champion. In short, this public gathering for gluttony, intoxication, and sexual depravity threatens our civic virtue. And don't you for one second believe that I think my little sermon will change anything. In fact, I bet my description of the event prompted many of you go in search of a ticket.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

At the Super Bowl Party, you...

1) Add to the Fun ?

2) Detract from the Fun?

3) No-one knows you were even there?

Feast Day

Happy Feast Day Blaze!! Priest said today at Mass, "Blaze was a "minor" saint." How can a saint be minor? A saint is a saint is a saint. Right Dutch?

Friday, February 1, 2008


Call me Mr. Pooper but I absolutely HATE the Wing Bowl. I hate everything it stands for. To me the Wing Bowl represents everything which is wrong about going to a Philadelphia sports event. If you think going to an Eagles game is bad as far as the overweight drunks and fake tough guy fighters, try going to a Wing Bowl. Can't anyone find anything better to do on a Friday? Doesn't anyone work anymore? There has to be something more exciting then going into the Wachovia Center at 6:00 am and watching people eat. Have you ever tried to watch someone eat from 50 yards away? Not much to see... It's not like they are doing tricks or playing a game, they are just eating! Most of the fans will follow the Wing Bowl up with a trip to the local Strip Club. On Wing Bowl day the strip clubs offer "Exclusive VIP Breakfast" with a Wing Bowl ticket. This consists of about 20 old and dirty men wearing Eagles coats while standing around a hot plate of sausage and eggs. Yumm, sounds like fun... Like that's all these idiots need is another meal. Most of the people down there are drunk but many are high as a kite on some type of weed, oxycontin, percocet or just sticking to some good old fashioned nose candy... My suggestion? STAY AWAY! Don't listen to 610 WIP. The station is a joke. I honestly would rather go to the dentist and have a tooth pulled then go to the Wing Bowl. If you are into sports talk radio, support 950 AM! Glenn Foley and Michael Bradley are the best in the morning and Jody Mac blows away Eskin in the afternoon. 950 AM WING BOWL

I don't like this Hugging while slow dancing...(posted with the next BM gig in mind).

You need to have at least one hand free so you can move, improvise or Punch! If you feel the need to Hug then don't come to the Dance...just get a room and spare us... Who can dance best to Francis Alberts' "Fly Me to the Moon" ?
Posted by Picasa

What the heck is The Falkirk Wheel?