Friday, September 30, 2016

Me and Uncle John

are headed to Toledo today for a Family Wedding...

Uncle John says "I know Toledo! Been there many times"

Uncle John says there is no way we are Turnpiking it...
he says he knows the 'back roads'

To Toledo...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hillary is a sneaky one...

It has been 8 years but people do not forget.
Got this heads up from P McD...


A Time Out In the Faculty Lounge...

Do you know the wattage of your Microwave?

Do you even know what wattage is?

when the box says "it is recommended that you cook this stuff in a microwve
that has more than 1100 watts"

Do you ponder?

or do you just microwave away?


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I have been riding my Trek lately & you know what?

In today's world, if you are Not wearing a Bike Helmet
you look like a dummy...

TJ is No dummy...

Monday, September 26, 2016

Presidential Debate questions

What color will Hillary go with?

And what color tie will The Donald wear?

Oh! one more question...

Will Trump walk on the stage wearing this hat?

head shaking questions, I know...

but you can purchase a Hat just like this one @

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Bill DeBlasio said that ...

...the Bomb that exploded in NYC on Saturday night  was "An Intentionel Act"

And there I was thinking that somebody just inadvertantly tossed a Bomb into a trash can accidentally...!

Would there ever be a situation where the Mayor of a city came out to meet the press after a Bombing on a major street where 29 citizens were injured and declare that the bombing was an...

'unintentional act'?

I'm just asking...

When you just want to play Music

and leave the Audio & Video stuff to others...

Friday, September 16, 2016

So a guy I met has a 27 yo son. The son had a hernia. The son's deductibule was $5000.00. So the Dad gave the son cash so the son could pay the bill & reduce his deductible to $3800! The dad is hoping nothing else happens to the son cause he is out of cash...

It is a very long video that is so full of !@#$%^ you will not want to vote for a Politician again!

I do not have a Solution to this DC circle of !@#!  but I do know that Trump is from New York City,
not a Politician, a Builder, a business man, very crass as NewYorkers tend to be, and talks like  he knows stuff!...

What do I have to loose? What difference, at this point, does it make? I am so tired of the Clintons, the Bush's the Obama's, the Harry Rieds, the Nancy Pelosis', the Steny Hoyers, the mitch mcconnels,
the eliza cummings, the john kerry's (who served in viet nam by the way), the sheldon whitehouses (yes, the dudes name is sheldon whitehouse!), the john lewises, the corrine browns, the charlie rangles, the Maxine Watters,

the jesse jackson's & al sharpton's

and so many others too long to list...

Hillary is back on the campaign trail!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bill says Hillary is fine & he doesn't know how he will be able to make her stay home & rest...

Bubba was on the News tonight

Bill said, "that girl has no slow down in her, she's  like that 
squirrel that I could never catch in Hope Arkansas when I was a young and wild Kid"

That girl of mine is a determined, hard workin', high energy girl!

Go to my New website to see the real Hillary...


Thank you very much & God Bless America.

Friday, September 9, 2016

You wanna know why I so much enjoy HGTV?

 You learn carpentry, plumbing, electrical stuff, concrete foundations, negotiations, History,  etc...

Like this guy & his wife were featured recently.
They were looking for an apartment in Cambodia!
What I remember about Cambodia is that Pol Pot
 was mass killing everybody...and there was no construction noise, just destruction.
I also have no clue what the average monthly rent was for a downtown apartment at the time...

Anyway, the HGTV couple found an apartment with a gas stove and
a balcony where the wife could do her Yoga & he had EZ access to the downtown Comedy Clubs where he got a gig.
They were worried that the noise from the construction going on may be too much but they finally decided that the $330 a month rent price was worth the sacrifice.
Phenom Penh looks much better today with all that construction noise going on.

Of course all we HGTV viewers know
Chip & JoJo!
These two have saved the legacy of Janet Reno by putting Waco back on the Map as a Bucket List Destination for a lot of people...

The Property Brothers are flawless!
Buy a house? Fix a house? Make it a Home?
Call the Property Brothers

Bottom line? I enjoy HGTV because 
I always find myself smiling when the Show is over...

Friday, September 2, 2016

Hope Solo has a point...

Not about Spain being a 'bunch of cowards' when they beat the USA in the Olympics,
because Spain had no shot of beating the USA unless they played Dean Smith's four corners!
She was just pissed off by the Loss when she said that...

Hope also knows she is getting old & time is running out for her to have a say for the Girls/Women
that follow her in she and a few others' sued for a better deal!

A better deal for Girl/Women soccer...The Mens' USA Soccer Team has won diddlysquat so far...

Oh, did I mention that my Grandaughter is 
the only Female on the Team in Spain...
They have no leagues for girls in Spain!


Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035