Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Update on TJ's left wrist.

Went to the Orthopedic Doc and they took X-rays.

Same wrist TJ wrecked a few years ago.
X-rays reveal that the Surgeon that fixed
Timothy a few years ago did a really tremendous job!

There are Nine screws in his wrist (Ew!) from the prior surgery.

TJ falls on the wrist again and the 9 scews held up!

X-rays reveal just a bone chip at the Tip of the Screws.
Painfull, but not a break.

The nine formerly inserted screws prevented TJ from being screwed again!

Meanwhile, Paddy & Katie put the cover over the pool in about 20 minutes.
Neither one of them fell down in the process.

and today TJ is resting comfortably...

McKendry Brothers "To Love Somebody" (Bee Gees)

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A comment from a web site I frequent with some Pea additions..."cause Pea is for Politics!"

Libs vote democratic for the following reasons:
1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of
4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of
gas at 15% isn't.
2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a
better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as
nobody is offended by it.
4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a
gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from
murderers and thieves.
5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell
us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away
in thirty years if I don't start driving a Prius.
6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of
babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right
to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.
8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not
be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the
rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to
rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would
never get their agendas past the voters.
10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay
billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it
might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.
11. I voted Democrat because even while we live in the greatest,
most wonderful country in the world, I was promised "HOPE AND
12. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my
rear end, it's unlikely that I'll ever have another point of view.

Cracks me up!

Glenn Hurricane Schwartz should change his middle name to "Tropical Storm"

Tonight Glenn said..."Whether it’s a hurricane, tropical storm, or nor’easter, a significant storm will affect much of the East Coast over the next several days. This is a very complex setup, but as mentioned yesterday, this is an extreme weather pattern that is setting up, leading to the potential for flooding in some areas."

The US has not had a Hurricane hit land in over 11 years!

(Sandy was a bad storm but not a Hurricane)

Here is a Map of Hurricanes that have hit the USA since 1950

I vividly remember Hurricanes Hazel & Hugo.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A California Motorcycle Trip

We visited California last weekend to spend time with Chris, Kendra, and Kendra's Dad and Stepmom. It was a successful weekend.

After we left Chris went on a four-day Motorcycle trip into the desert and other points unknown with two friends. He had a great time. He worked on his bike for many hours and days to tune it up and get it ready for the trip. It worked beautifully. I know this means very little to most of you but this has been a dream of his since he was a kid. Thought you'd like to see a few photos...

He came & he Poped.

This is a shot of the Pope leaving PHL.

This is a shot of people that would like to have had a look
at the Pope. Some waited in a Security Line for more
than 4 hours and quit!

Philadelphia Security people over-did it.
Scared people away.

But I live w/ a former Officer of the Law & he 
pointed out.The less people that get close the
more the Security people like it.

 It's good that nothing bad happened.

That poor interpretor that followed the Pope around
all week is probably taking off his shoes;
loosening his collar; putting his seat back; and grabbing
a Hi-ball on the flight back to Rome!

Lititz, Pa. Beer Fest

Pre Tattoo

Post Tattoo

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Poppy the Pool Guy was wounded in action today. And is now slinging it...

I asked what are you doing today. He said working on the pool.
I said why? He walked away. Paddy & 2 friends were 
delivering a washer & dryer to Scott's apartment.
 Timmy fell down, hurt his wrist and ribs &
Maureen took him to the ER.

No cast as yet...has to see the Ortho guy on Monday.
He is feeling better with the pills they 
gave him and Maureen is 
looking for a straw!

plus the Zee & Hamilton kids just arrived...

Ironically, the ER nurse that cared for him also does pool 
opening & closings on the side. $250.00
for the job, you supply the chemicals.
So maybe Poppy can chill...
but I doubt it.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Somebody asked me who were those people in the Republican Debate?

Left to Right...Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey.
Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator from Florida.
Dr. Ben Carson, Retired Neurosurgeon.
Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin.
Donald Trump, Builder.
Jeb Bush, former Gov of Florida.
Mike Huckabee, former Gov of Arkansas.
Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas.
Rand Paul, U.S. Senator from Kentucky.
John Kasich, Gov of Ohio.

Carly Fiorina did not make this photo, but 
she is now 3rd in the Political Polls.

She is behind Trump & Carson.

By the way, there are 535 members of Congress.
They are divided between the House(435) members 
and the Senate(100) members.

Each State gets 2 Senators.
On the basis of the 10 year Consensus, mandated in the
Constitution, it is determined how many House Members
will represent a State based on population and location.
(ever hear the Term Redistricting?)

House Members serve a 2 year term
Senators serve a 6 year term

In other words...535 people + the President
make the Laws that more than 300million people must follow.

 Most people don't have a clue. And a lot of them Vote.

Glory, glory Alleluia...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oh Girl!

A visit to the Reagan Library...

Thank goodness they didn't take 
the kids to the 
Clinton Library & Massage Parlor!

Since I talked to Sam @ Brynn's party & he confirmed it I am excited with the west coasters plans.

Sam confirmed that the family has signed up for weekly 
Spanish lessons.
Because next August they will be moving to Spain for a year.

He showed me a picture of the house they will live in.
It is bigger than the house they live in now but it looks like 
a narrow street from the movie
"A Fistfull of Dollars"

Stucco and pebbles with lots of steps.
located in the S.E. in Granada.
Near the Alboran Sea.
never heard of it...

Monday, September 21, 2015

Am I missing something here?

Timmy brought these pretzels to the table yesterday.
He was responsible for snacks for the game. 
He brought a Bag of Pretzels!

But, take note. The Sturgis Family pretzel business was established in 1861.

And the bag says they are celebrating their 150th Anniversary...

ergo, Timmy brought a Bag of 4 year old Pretzels to the table.!
Or am I missing something here?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

never ever heard of a "smash cake" 'til I lived on Blossom Hill

Brynn got a rather large one today

and her Dad made her a Poster!

Courtney & Jason went Nuts for Brynn's # 1.
Many, many people there...much, much food,
lotsa little kids...

And Brynn's Godfather showed up!
Godfather Sam flew in on the LA to Phila "red-eye"
and surprised us all!

A Great Day
I'm sure Brynn will remember
just a few of the Celebrators @ Brynn's
Birthday Party.
please note...Brynn is no where to be seen!

A loss. Who is she?

Thanks to Judith Ann I read a number of her books.
Sad to hear of her death @ "just 77".

Collins, who is sister to actress Joan Collins, has written a total of 32 novels, and they've allappeared on the New York Times bestsellers list, selling more than 500 million copies. Eight have been adapted for the screen.

Can you name One book she wrote that you read?
Or one Movie you have watched
based on her Novel?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My photo library is so lacking it is an embarrasment.

Eddie & Susan will be going to Calif this weekend
to visit Christopher & his Fiancee Kendra... whom I've never met in person.

Mom & Dad have engaged dog & house sitters 
for the weekend

Paddy & Katie will be watching the Allentown location
and caring for Eddie & Susans' difficult dogs.
I went all the way back in Eddie's Facebook to 2011
and no photos of Annie & Muggles together exist.
So EJ should also feel bad about photo Library content.

But I did find some good stuff in his photos:
@ the King Farm
@ Aunt Mary's & Uncle Phils?

Saturday Sept 19 is Brynn's 1st Birthday

She will see me and ask
"what did you get me Grandpop?"

And I just know my Present will be her Favorite!

It's not a Boston Whaler, but it is a Fisher Price.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I lost my first Fantasy game

Has anyone out there heard of Carlos Hyde?

Well Jason has heard of him! Jason was my opponent this weekend.

Carlos plays for the 49ers' & had the highest Fantasy Points
of anyone...

I need to do more research

Monday, September 14, 2015

only thing good about the Eagles game tonight?

was The Pea's snack spread

He even had Cheese in a Can
and the Fans Loved it!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

More about the recent rain...

The heavy rain on Saturday kept me home...even Krimpit & Tootsie
would not leave the house for a Pee-pee...
but when you are about 5 & have gollashes and red hair...and your name is Roisin...

you go outside,  jump in Puddles and ignore the rain drops!
while listening to John Sebastion in your ear buds....

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sunday afternoon at the CVS...check the Store flyers for time & locations...

Mega Sales on Cosmetics & hair products every Sunday between Noon & whenever.

Ironically, I was at the CVS today @ Band outside.

I had prescrptions. Was told it would be 20 minutes. I sauntered around the store thinking
maybe the Band is in the Make-up deal.
Got in my car & drove to the Pet Store for some fish food...even the Pet store annoyed me!

No Band there either...just very long aisles without a cut out. Never been there before.

Imagine going in a Supermarket & you are faced with 9 aisles that you have to follow
to the back of the store before you see a break. And the aisle is full of cat stuff!

Anyway, back to CVS @ 6PM to pick up my 'scrips. They gave me 2 of the 3 I dropped off!

Of course I am asked if I am sure there were 3...I say yes.
They find the missing 3rd one & say just give us a few minutes. Fourty minutes later (6:40PM)
I am still sitting there asking if my 'scrip is ready. You have to go to the Pick Up window to ask
cause, unlike McDonalds, they do not display a # for whose scrip is McDonalds
does to let you know whose Happy Meal is ready...

The place was unbelievably busy with drop offs & pick-ups. The employees were working their butts off...did I mention they also had a Drive thru Window?

The System Sucked! and there was no Band to entertain us...

I finally left @ 7PM without the 3rd 'scrip. Will go back tomorrow.

The Wop Won! And I use that term endearingly...


Wop is a pejorative slur used to describe Italians, or people descended from Italians.[1]


According to Merriam-Webster its first known use was in the United States in 1908.[2] The dictionary is unambiguous that it originates from a southern Italian dialect term guappo, meaning thug, derived from the Spanish term guapo, meaning handsome, via dialectical French, meaning ruffian or pimp.[3] It also has roots in the Latin vappa, meaning wine gone flat.[2]
For the 1st time ever two Italians fought it out
for a Major Championship!
Really cool stuff if you were watching the US Open.
The 33 year old Champion then annonced her retirement.

 Flavia Pennetta. I am sure you never heard of her before...

Congratulations from The Pea Blog Flavia!

lots of rain 2 of the past 3 days. I'm gonna go ahead and call it a...



noun del·uge \ˈdel-ˌyüj, -ˌyüzh; ÷də-ˈlüj, ˈdā-ˌlüj\
: a large amount of rain that suddenly falls in an area
: a situation in which a large area of land becomes completely covered with water
As proof I offer this beer glass:
Last night it was empty. Today it is full of rain.

I believe it is about 7" tall
so how many ounces would that be?
and how many ounces equal an inch of rain?
can somebody Riddle me that?

Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035