Sunday, June 30, 2019

Does anybody know if Eddie can play the Harmonica?

Harvest Moon in July... 

Children sleeping
July Moon rising
Dancing in the light?
in the night...

'cause I'm so in Love with you...

while our little bro perfects the harmonica
in his basement/studio.

With the Blue Stairs in the background

Friday, June 28, 2019

This is Nuts!

Castro says we have to allow Transgender Females the right to an abortion & the crowd cheers!

What is a Transgender Female you might wonder?

  • OK, it is a man that is transforming to a woman.
  • Men, even if they go through the process which takes years & years are still biologically men.
  • Men cannot get pregnant. The plumbing is not there.
But Julian Castro, Obama's former Secretary of Housing & Development, thinks that
men should be granted the right to an abortion...and the liberal audience applauds!

And the other Zombies on the same debate stage do not call him out on his nuttiness! They just nod.

This is Nuts!

Two years ago...before they were Teenagers

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Apparently there was an Audio Glitch...during tonights Political Debate

Rachel and Chuck had to take an unscheduled commercial break when they were getting Feedback from the Sound System. Reverb is what Michael called it. And he did not like it...

😆🙅↘Please take note of the closed caption portion of the screen.
Rachel said "Pea prepared for everything"

I was just trying to Help out.

The Debates are a two night affair.
These are the 10 for the first night.
Can you identify them?

Tomorrow night there will be ten more...

I watch this stuff so you don't have thank me when you next see me.

These crazy Kids!

Today is their 48th!

I think they Booked a place at Sandals for this weekend...

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, June 24, 2019


Baseball referees are different than basketball referees:

Baseball referees wear hats

Baseball referees work outdoors most of the time.

They also wear black shirts and grey trousers.

Basketball referees look a little more Macho...& do not wear hats.

Basketball referees work In-doors

Basketball referees also differ from baseball referees
in that basketball referees wear 

Grey shirts
Black trousers

Just the opposite color coordination of baseball referees! other refs have no need to hustle...

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Major League pitchers that scared batters

Don Drysdale

Bob Gibson

Juan Marichel

Nolen Ryan

Pedro Martinez

Randy Johnson

Roger Clemens

What pitchers scare batters today?

Friday, June 14, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A little inside politics

Rachel had Dr Rice on her show tonight.

Dr Rice normally keeps a low profile

Do you recognize her?

There's something happening here...Politically speaking.

We could all use more Sunshine...

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Somewhat creepy

The Shining

The Royal Visit

They grow up so fast...

Amanda & Maeve

Nora and Amanda

 Amanda & friends 4 years later...

Amanda's Dad & Nora's Mom still look the same today!


Friday, June 7, 2019

My brother John won, er, I mean run in the Boston Marathon way back when...

Since I entered High School I have remained in awe of people that can run...

The latest one I've watched is a guy named Morgan McDonald, a long distance Badger.
Just watched him become the 2019 5000 meter NCAA Champ ( however long that is?)

I was never any good at that. I think the longest I ever ran was 6 miles in combat boots,
a helmet & a rifle around my shoulder. We had to do it under 90 minutes! We wore pants too...

I had friends that would go on Sunday morning runs together through Fairmount Park
for miles & miles. Many of them still do I suppose 'cause they enjoyed it so much.

But the runners I am talking about are the Pro Runners!
Like every pro in any sport we laypeople cannot comprehend
how good a Pro is.

Some of the best runners ever...

That Morgan McDonald Wisconsin Badger I watched earlier on
TV tonight was joy to see...

As was brother John finishing his Marathon!

Monday, June 3, 2019

My most recent visit with my Millennial Doc...( I forgot to wear my hearing aids)

She is so pleasant...she stands at attention when I enter the room & offers me a handshake.
  • Last time I met with her was February. Just days before before my trip to Ca.
  • There was an intern & a nurse with her that she introduced.

First thing I said was, I forgot my hearing aids so this might be difficult for me.

  • As millennials are wont to say, she said, "no problem".

She then asked me about my trip to California & how did I enjoy flying 1st class! Asked
me if my grandkids were excited to see me...and, how many grandkids do I have?

  • She then told me to take off all of my clothes except for my gotchies...
  • So I did as I was told

She scanned me. Found 'only' four spots that needed tending to

  • Gave me 7 needles & two sprays with the gas and asked me
  • Are you hungry?

I said No, told her I have not eaten anything as yet today. It was now 11:45AM.

  • She said, "you haven't eaten today? How can you be so pleasant?"
This millennial Doc is a Doc I wish on all of you...

And the best thing? I won't be billed for the visit! Thank you, you Taxpayers...!

I cannot afford the subscription fee for the New York Times

...that's why I rely on the summations provided by 'News Busters"

This CBS interview took place in Alaska, where Barr was on a tour of the villages that are in dire straits. He was interviewed because Special Counsel
Robert Mueller had made a 10 minute statement about his
2 year, $35million dollar investigation the day before.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Did our President do something with his hair?


and After

As I suggested in an earlier post, the Democrat men running for President need to do something about their hair.

The Donald has now set the pace once again...

Here's proof...

Music makes people Happy!

A post about politics

One of them needs to grow a beard!
24 of these 33 people are running for President of the USA. The other 9 are thinking about running...

 not one of them has grown Facial Hair.

Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas grew a beard in the past 20 months & his approval rating shot up 12 points! He will probably run in the future, with a beard.

We know President Trump will never grow facial hair, so why doesn't Lunch pail Joe or crazy Bernie
break the mold and join the latest trend?

Take the challenge Joe or Bernie...allow your hair to grow...

Do a Letterman!

 As for the 3 or 4 women running I have no grooming advice
nor comment. Ain't gonna go there...too dangerous. I could lose advertisers!

Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035