Friday, February 27, 2015

The making of a table

cut down trees

measure stuff & saw then assemble

sand, re-sand, re-sand, re-measure, bow tie it where you messed up, then
varnish, varnish & varnish again...

and then wait for Approval!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pea is for Politics!...Democratic Leader Says Members Of Congress Can't Live Without Their Paycheck...

The DHS has more than 240,000 employees. 13% of them are dubbed "non-essential". I know what you are thinking...what Company employs people that they call non-essential? Well, the Federal Gov't does.
If the Gov't does not pass a Bill to Fund the DHS that would mean that the 31,000 nonessential people would have to stay home. Essential people must show up for work & they will get their paychecks (remember the Air Traffic Controllers during Regans years?) They were essential & he fired them for not showing up & they did not get their paychecks.

Another thing. When Congress funds DHS (and they will) the non-essential employees will have had a few days off & receive back pay when they return to their non-essential jobs.

It's just the way things work in Washington

Go Golfing Jack, please!

Mother looking for a morning alone & some 
Quiet Time...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do you Woodwork?

Stop with the camera crap P!

so you put this clamp on this board

and then you do the left handed rigamarole

and it all comes back to the clamping

and you got your finished Product!
A Clump of wood.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I have been told that this is a Modern twist to the Irish Dance moves I have seen from more than a few of my neices over the Years

A rePost from Jan 30th with new news

Paddy is now ref-ing Lacrosse in Texas. This past Sunday he was scheduled to Ref 4 games (@$55.00 per game!) but got a phone call in the morning telling him the games were cancelled
"due to the Extreme cold". It was 37 degrees at the time w/ no percipitation!

I don't think a Team from Texas will ever beat a Team from Syracuse
in Lacrosse

Monday, February 23, 2015

now I'm not boasting or anything ...But...I did receive an Emergency call on Sunday AM (my day off!)

...asking if I could watch Brynn on Monday, which meant I had  to drop "everthing"
& hustle down to Brynn's to receive proper 
Brynn care Training on I would do a Proper job on Monday...

I think I did a great job considering it was the 1st time I changed a diaper in 37 years.

But the best thing was when Brynn's Mom & mom-mom snuck up on us and silently
opened the font door
Brynn was lying fast asleep in my loving arms!

I also threw in some quality Sesame Street TV time that kept her attention
for at least 20 minutes...

She was not intersted in the Morning Inquirer...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

first time I have seen St Francis Basketball on ESPN

I grabbed my camera & took a quick shot

then I brought out my old shots of LaSalle on TV

along with some Shots of LaSalle Fans
& their Sister School
Chestnut Hill 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Michael has lost 13lbs since Feb 9 & you can too!

All you have to do is slip on the ice on your front stoop as you go outside to fetch the morning paper.

Passing out on the walkway. Laying there for you don't know how long...wake up with gash on your head...a splitting headache, hurt back and butt .

Have your wife drive you to the hospital where they give you 14 STAPLE stitches and tell you
you have a concussion.

Poor Michael. Talked to him today & he is still hurting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I have been on The Old Crow with Jason

I have never caught a fish from The Old Crow. Jason has taken me to the edge of the Bay
& the start of the Ocean and I have said..."ok! this is far enough!"

Because the Coast Guard rescue of a father & son is what I visualize. And I don't want to do that.

The recuperation period would be brutal

"British Invasion" at Park Plates restaurant in Elkins Park...

Sunday, February 15, 2015

It took 23 months of intensive investigation but Lancater Authorities finally

broke up the counterfeiting ring that has brought
Havoc to local Merchants!

The Lancaster D.A. was quoted as saying...
"It was a very sophisticated operation"

and required much forensic work to crack the case

A school project that Meghan is working on with assistance from Kate

I saw this project & asked if they needed any brasso.
I did not ask about the project

My brasso project

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Last night I was an eyewitness to the Body flip...

I was visiting when Brynn did the roll from back to belly
on the Quilt that Alyce quilted...
she looked Stunned  when she rolled over
she looked to me for an answer
She was out of sorts last night I am told.
I retired @ 1:15AM and Jason was still awake with Brynn..

I woke @ 7AM & Brynn was having a cup of coffee
& a muffin with her Mom & Dad!

Kids consume you...

Jason tells me I should Do Instagram

Instagram logo.png
Original author(s)Kevin SystromMike Krieger (Burbn, Inc.)
Developer(s)Facebook, Inc.
Initial releaseOctober 6, 2010; 4 years ago
Development statusActive
Operating systemiOS 6.0 or later;[1]Android 2.2 or later; Windows Phone 8[2]
Size9.93 MB
Available in25 languages[3]
TypePhoto & Video
Alexa ranknegative increase 27 (January 2015)[4]
What Do you think? Do you Do Instagram? Do you know people that Instagram? If I Do Instagram
will I see a benefit in my Life Style? Will I gain new friends and influence more people?

Bottom Line...what the Heck is Instagram?!?!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

This is an actual display at Aquaworld in Spain. Can you figure out how they did it?

If I were a Travelling Man I would choose Spain, Italy and Greece...
in that order.
I would love to take a dip in the Medditeranian
or however you spell it

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

God bless James Robertson, But...the Media is confusing me.

The Headlines state that James Robertson WALKS 21 miles TO work.
A College kid starts a web site for him that raises $350,000!
James has not seen a penny of it yet.
But James did get a new Taurus.

I know some Amateurs that have run Marathons (a brother, a son & others) and their goal was always 3 hours. They would not be unhappy with an under 3:30.

OK, James supposedly WALKS 21 miles TO work. That means James has to WALK 21 miles home FROM work. If the Marathon runners I know average 3:15 while RUNNING over 26 miles that would mean that James is spending at least 12 hours a day WALKING to & from work. Add 9 hours to James' work day (30 min for lunch & two 15 min breaks) having a meal, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, reading the paper, watching just a little TV, taking a dump...that adds up to a lot of hours in a day.

When does James sleep?

I am confused & sorry that he has to move out of his neighborhood.

Maybe he can move closer to work.

We were watching Franklin in action on the Michael Barkan show

And we liked the moves!

So, we had a quiz...

is Franklin a he or a she?

is Franklin white or black?

is Franklin GBTLUSA?
or whatever

What do you think?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A story

                                             This is Fran Dunphy, Temple basketball coach        

Today is 2/10/2015
It was 48 years ago today that Dad dropped me off at 401 N Broad, 
I reported for duty as a member of the US Army.

It was a Friday morning, 7AM. Dad told me to keep the Faith.
10 days earlier I was a student @ LaSalle U at b.ball practice with
Fran Dunphy

Anyway, when you go in the Military whether Reservist or a Regular your life experiences change forever. You may have had a job @ XYZ Corp when you were 20 & left when you were 23 and never had another thought about XYZ Corp

Military service is embedded in your brain...that's what they do.

So...I never saw Fran Dunphy again after 1967.
Until Maryann & I were sitting at a bar 20 some years later 
and the bar tender delivered us drinks.

From a guy on the other side of the bar that was Fran Dunphy.

I think it's pretty cool that he remembered me & recognized me!
I was only on scholarship @ LaSalle for about a month when I had to go...

And that's my story

Eddie playing his original music at Godfrey Daniels in Bethlehem, PA

Read the description area under the video if you want to follow the lyrics (GeraldPea...).

and another... "Winter Night at Home".
This song was originally written when I was in college. The first verse came from a night I was babysitting in Mechanicsburg circa 1976?... and, I think it was Patty, was falling asleep on the couch next to me. The song has continued to evolve over the years to include a "middle eight" section written with my lovely wife, Susan.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Daughter to Father..."Dad, do you still have that can of paint you used 3 years ago to paint our 4 bedrooms when we moved back here?"

Dad to daughter..."Let me check sweetheart"

Dad to me..."!@#$%!!#$!!"

Kate is in move mode & needs to patch some things up
before she calls the Realtor about the Listing

Sunday, February 8, 2015

They can now Tune A Guitar but they still can't Tune a tuna fish

Nora now has new strings on her guitar

You get what you pay for I guess

I paid $15.99 at BJ's for this reversible sweat shirt about three weeks ago.
Just washed it yesterday
It shrunk by about 5 inches on the bottom
Will now become a $15.99 Rag!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

They held an Off-road Rodeo in the desert this weekend

and it is a Big Deal for Off-road enthusiasts
the Event takes place in the California desert

Lots of sun, dirt & sand so they need water trucks to try to
keep the dirt & sand manageable...

Guess who painted & graffitied the Water Trucks? was that Urban Art guy we all know as Christopher!
...Method Race Wheels...

I wish I had a copy of that Banner Chris made in college

Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035