Monday, July 31, 2023

Riddle Me This...

Have you ever been in a business meeting & your father called?

Have you ever been in a business meeting &
someone asked you to call your father?

Has your father ever called you while you were at
work to ask you about the weather 

and to say hello to your co-workers?

Sunday, July 30, 2023

I am declaring this Timothy's theme song!

More than twice Maureen was informed...
he was there for 33 friggin' days!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Walk Of Life

Was with Timmy today (Sat 7/29). Molly, Nora & of course Maureen were present.

Timmy said he feels really good & doesn't really know where he has been for quite awhile.

He just knows where he is today & that Keelan & the girls will be here on Sunday!

goodness gracious life is confusing...

Friday, July 28, 2023

Timmy & Maureen & Seana had a tough day today...

 Yesterday, Timmy's pacemaker started to act up... What is a pacemaker & how do they work?

So they had a 10AM Doc appointment today
and arrived home at 6PM!

Timmy had to 'go under' again today to replace the original pacemaker.

He is now home & resting comfortably.

I thank Seana for being there for mom & dad!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Uh what?


Federal Judge Orders Hunter Biden To Get A Job

Things did not go as expected today in a Delaware courtroom.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Some Rowen family history...when Alice was revealed...


People in Arizona keep falling down in the summer heat!


First Time I was in Tucson, Az was in the 80's. We went to the pool at about 11AM. We could not walk to the the pool without shoes on or sit in the pool chairs because they were too hot to handle!

We just went into the pool swam around & then left to ride horses & look @ cacti in the desert... 


Summer in Phoenix has been scalding and dangerous this year. Tuesday, the city was 110 degrees for a 19th consecutive day. And in such temperatures, simply touching everyday objects - a seat belt buckle, a garden hose - can burn you. Dr. Kevin Foster directs the Arizona Burn Center in Phoenix at Valleywise Health Medical Center. Dr. Foster, thanks for being with us.

KEVIN FOSTER: Thank you for having me.

SIMON: What are you seeing there?

FOSTER: Yeah, so this is a really tough summer for us. We had a nice, pleasant, mild spring. And then, June has - and July - have really come in with a vengeance. And we are seeing, really, a sharp uptick in people who are falling down, going down onto hot pavement, hot asphalt, and getting really, really terrible burns as a result of that.

SIMON: Oh, my gosh. How do you treat that?

FOSTER: First of all, the burns tend to be really bad. Asphalt and concrete and sidewalks in Phoenix on a hot afternoon in direct sunlight oftentimes can reach 170 to 180 degrees. It only takes just a fraction of a second to get a pretty serious burn. And unfortunately, a lot of our people end up laying out there for minutes and sometimes even hours, and they end up with really horrible burns. And the way we treat that is we bring these people into the hospital. We have to support them. And almost all of them require surgery for skin grafting.

SIMON: Oh, my. You must be overworked.

That's for sure

FOSTER: Well, you know, this is our busy time of year, and we anticipate that it's going to be a tough, busy time for us. But this is abnormally busy right now.

SIMON: Even if people don't end up being burned, is there some hazard just to being outside under that kind of unrelenting sun?

FOSTER: Just being out in 110- to 115-, sometimes almost 120-degree weather in direct sunlight, it only takes a very short period of time to suffer heat prostration. And, you know, sometimes people end up with really bad central nervous problems, liver problems, kidney problems. That can really be a tough situation when people suffer heat stroke.

SIMON: What advice might you have, doctor, for people especially who might have to work outdoors?

FOSTER: You know, obviously, we recommend protective clothing. Keep the sun, direct sunlight, off your skin - a protective hat. Stay hydrated - lots of water. And take frequent breaks. Get into the shade or preferably into air conditioning. What we really worry about is people who aren't used to Arizona. Most Arizonans are pretty savvy about staying out of the heat and sunlight. The problem is oftentimes when people come down here, and they're just not used to it. And once you get out into this heat, it doesn't feel that bad. It's almost deceptive. And it's very easy to suffer, you know, the effects of heat and direct sunlight.

SIMON: I gather your clinic saw 85 patients for heat-related burns last summer. How does this summer compare so far?

FOSTER: Yeah, so that number, 85, is the number of people who we actually had to admit to the hospital. Most of them ended up in the ICU, and all of them required surgery. We saw probably four or five times that many people who we were able to treat as outpatients, whose burns were not as serious. And right now, we're - we probably hit close to 40 or 45 people who required admission to the hospital and surgery. So we are way ahead of the numbers compared to this time last year or any other year. And it's a little bit baffling to us. We don't really know why this is happening.

SIMON: I'm struck by something we said when we began our conversation, that even a seat belt buckle. People will park a car. Even if they think they've parked it in the shade, obviously, the sun moves. The car can heat up. They should be careful about things like that.

FOSTER: Yeah, cars are particularly dangerous because people don't think about it. But the interior of an automobile, particularly one with dark upholstery, can get to be 160 or 170 degrees. And just touching the steering wheel or - the worst thing to do is to touch something that's metal inside the car that's been exposed to direct sunlight like a seat belt buckle.

SIMON: As I don't have to tell you, Dr. Foster, the heat is with us. It shows no sign of letting up. Are you prepared?

FOSTER: I don't know that we're completely prepared. You know, we expect to be busy in the summertime, but we did not expect to be this busy. We are full. Our operating room schedule is full, and we've kind of hit critical mass right now. And if this is the future for us, we're going to have to make some alterations in how we do things.

SIMON: Dr. Kevin Foster is director of the Arizona Burn Center in Phoenix. Thanks so much for being with us.

FOSTER: Sure. Thank you. It's an honor talking to you.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Joy & Sunny agree...


During a segment of "The View" on Thursday, hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin came to the defense of country singer Jason Aldean regarding the censorship of the video for his controversial song, "Try That in a Small Town," which Country Music Television (CMT) removed from their network amidst backlash towards its racist undertones.

"There's no reason to separate big city people from small city people," co-host Joy Behar said in a quote obtained from Fox News. "That to me is the divisive part of this song. I mean, it's a deplorable song and it's annoying. 'Got a gun that my granddad gave me. They say one day they're going to round up. Well, that s**t might fly in the city, good luck.' It's very divisive and provocative. But I defend his right to do this video." Co-host Sunny Hostin agreed with Behar on this, pointing out that while the lyrics of the song — and accompanying imagery — do seem outwardly racist, she doesn't believe that it should have been censored. "As a lawyer, when I put my legal hat on, I don't believe in censorship. However, this man is from Macon, Georgia, my father's from Augusta, Georgia, and Macon, Georgia. I spent many summers there. It is one of the most racist places in this country. So don't tell me that he knew nothing about what that imagery meant, so I don't give him the benefit of the doubt," she said.

The Beatles

July 21st
By Robbie Thornton
"I had the idea, the title, had a couple of verses and the basic idea for it, then I took it to John to finish it off and we wrote the middle together. Which is nice: ‘Life is very short. There’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.’ Then it was George Harrison’s idea to put the middle into waltz time, like a German waltz. That came on the session, it was one of the cases of the arrangement being done on the session."
Paul explaining how WE CAN WORK IT was constructed

RFK,Jr this past week was yelling back & forth so much with the Democrats on the panel that

he lost his voice. Apparently, the Dems no longer like the Kennedys...

What's that all about... ?

Friday, July 21, 2023

He did not want to go, but he did...

 Timmy went to physical therapy today. To a place called Drayer. We'll see how this works...

Their Facebook page emphasizes that they are CLEAN!

Maureen & Maura accompanied him.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It is going on 32 days in hospitals & Timmy keeps improving!

 Maureen tells me he has been doing physical therapy pretty much all day...or at least until 4PM. He is very "bullish" on the PT thing so they keep him working at it.

Word has it that he may be discharged in a week or so... my only concern is that he will want me to join him in his PT sessions! And walk with him...

Or even exercise...


Sunday, July 16, 2023

One of these candles is meant for Timmy


Have been enjoying Bastille Days here in Milwaukee, where I now live. Part of the Bastille Days tradition is that Saturday night the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist is opened for one and all, Catholic or not, to come and place a lit tea light around the steps to the altar. I walked the 2 blocks from my apartment and lit one for our cousin Tim McKendry. (Anna Marie Chamblee)

Carlos, the 20 year old phenom won Wimbledon today.

Kate Middleton and Prince William brought along two very special plus-ones to the final day of Wimbledon. On Sunday, the entire Wales family (minus Prince Louis) attended the men's singles final at All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, marking Princess Charlotte's official debut and Prince George's second time at the tournament.

Following in her mom's stylish footsteps, Charlotte opted for a breezy summer dress for the sporty event. For the occasion, the young royal slipped on a blue-and-white floral nap dress with ruffled sleeves and ruching at the waist, She accessorized with white Mary Jane flats, and wore her hair down and parted down the middle with two braids on each side. 

Oh yea, and her brother talked to her!

And she wore adorable PINK Sunglasses.
Can you imagine!

This is the 20 year old Spanish phenom...
Carlos Alcaraz.

Friday, July 14, 2023

'cause Timmy is feeling much better...

I was with Timmy today at the rehab hospital

 He looked pretty normal. Was sitting in his lounger & wearing street clothes!

June 11 photo of William Joseph
being boy-handled by his big brothers
Michael & Tommy!

Timmy told me he remembers nothing from his hospital stay,
which went from June 17 'til July 11.

He is doing three hours of rehab every day & they 
are starting with 'baby steps'. Timmy is fine with that,
he feels really weak.

It will continue...we're just happy he is back among us!

Oh yea, he really needs a shave...


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Day 24 & not much happening. Timmy had a good day today.

 Timmy is 'supposed' to be sent to the Lancaster Rehabilitation Hospital tomorrow.

Have not seen Maureen in days. She has been at the hospital.

Meghan will be on watch tonight

Sunday, July 9, 2023

So, I've been Dina Shore... er, I mean down-a-shore with family...

 And Timmy got a pacemaker which has made all the difference in the world!

He has had an amazingly scary journey over the past three weeks. In ICU for 11 days.

Out of ICU for 6 days & back to ICU for 4 days. In a few days he will be headed to re-hab.

I was visiting A few grandkids & Kelly's family...

West coasters are different...Justin told me he was going to visit a friend in Long Beach Island.
I said oh that's North of here. He pointed with his right arm & said, No, North is that way!
Think about it...

I picked up Amanda at Philly airport & drove her to Sam's house in Stone Harbor. 
Have not seen Amanda since before covid. Sam asked me what did you talk about for two hours,
I said, 'lots of stuff". A wonderful ride!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The 16 hour-a-day care for Poppy was not pleasing the family...

 They insisted he get 24/7 care!

So, Timmy/Poppy is back in the ICU where he will 
be tended to 24 hours a day...

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Lots' of family with Timmy today.

 Sister Alyce & Paul, brother John, Maureen, Molly, Seana, Bill, Kate, Meghan, etal...

They would not allow Marylin in...

Timmy's most loyal friend!

Such a grind for everybody...

Monday, July 3, 2023

A Timmy update

 It is a semi-Holiday weekend and Hospitals use third party contractors sometimes. Did you know that?

The family was not pleased with how Timmy looked this morning, Monday, July 3!

Looked like he had not been tended to during the night. 
I'll leave it at that...

Other than hygiene, his vitals are stable.

Kate has volunteered for night duty tonight.

Our Interior Secretary...

What gases make up our atmosphere? Gas Symbol Content Nitrogen N 2 78.084% Oxygen O 2 20.947% Argon Ar 0.934% Carbon dioxide CO 2 0.035