Sunday, July 31, 2022

Silly old stuff...Fire Drill @ CDHS

 Circa 1963? How were they able to maintain total control back in the day?

Take note of the side streets...

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Another scary YouTube video I found recently...

Ronan is on the right...
Liam, Bill & Ronan Zee...Seana is The Mom.

I posted this video because I was driving Ronan someplace
a few weeks ago & he told me he saw the Puckett bros.
video...Ronan said he liked it!

As a result, I thought I would introduce
Lamar & Joe bob to a 3rd generation.

Thank you Ronan!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

There have been 300 homicides this year in Philadelphia as of today, July 19, 2022.

Death Stats from the twenty year war in Afghanistan...per year...

Twenty year U.S. fatalities total by month/year in Afghanistan
It is unbelievable, is it not? What a sorry state our country is in.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

They sounded so good together...

Brother John asked me to check out the You Tube comment section...

So I did...

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Star Wars was introduced to us in 1977.

Sam was 3 & 1/2. Jason was stirring.

A long time ago, on a street corner far away.

Han Solo

Darth Vader


Princess Leia

Luke Skywalker


Friday, July 8, 2022

This is Allie Sherlock. She has been performing on the streets for a long time. She's good. A couple of observations:

  • Allie is using her phone as teleprompter! I am so out of touch...
  • Allie's audience appears to enjoy the song. They also seem to have no clue that the song was made famous by Bruce.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Said the Banker to the Economist...

Too many bikers can ruin an economy!

"Bicycles are the slow death of the planet" A banker said to the economist. A cyclist is a disaster for a country's economy. They don't buy cars & they don't borrow big bucks to buy a car. They don't pay for insurance policies. Don't buy fuel, don't pay big bucks for repairs. They don't pay for parking. Don't cause major accidents which puts Personal Injury Lawyers out of business. No need for multi-lane highways.

Bicycle riders are generally healthier than people that drive cars. You don't see obese cyclists. Healthy people are not good or useful to the economy. They don't buy a lot of medicine. They don't go to hospitals or visit doctors very often. They add very little to a country's GDP.

On the contrary, each new fast food place that opens adds at least 30 jobs-and actually at least 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietitians & nutritionists...

It's something to think about~a bike or a new Fast Food outlet!

Power walkers are even worse. They don't even don't even buy bicycles!

*Posted by Jessica Maria Dwyer on Linkedin (

Bike riding, an existential threat to the world?

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Anybody else watching 'Inventing Anna' on Netflix?

What she got away with is unbelievable!@!

 That hillbilly from "OZARK" plays Anna.
And does a fantastic job...

Ruth...(aka Julia Garner)

It really is a story about the quest for Greed & Power.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Remember this?

Funny how a war we're not engaged in (Ukraine) is responsible for all of our ills, but 2 decades of war in oil producing nations where we were actively fighting did not have the same effect. High prices are directly tied to inflation fueled by poor domestic and international energy policies that started January 20, 2021 as Biden's very first act as President. You can't declare war on the energy sector and think that there will be no repercussions.

Remember back when...when there was oil residue on the windshield?

I had forgotten that my Landlords went to Monterey in May


I myself, have never been to Monterey...