The differences, though suttle, are easily detectable to the trained palate. For novices I am offering a few pointers: -birch beer makes you burp. -root beer makes you fart. -real beer makes you pee.
Puczykey Wishniak? Come now my friend whom do you expect to belive that dribble? As a charter member of "Friends For Franks" I feel eminently quallified to speak on the CORRECT origin of BLACK CHERRY WISHNIAK.
Remember the Soda Man that delivered soda to the wealthier non-Christian types, and some very wealthy Irish-American girls in Lawndale? The guy who actually carried the soda to their door was black. The business was owned by a white Jewish guy with a heavy Eastern European accent who would waddle up to the door and ask, "Vhat do you need hon?" The Princesses would place their order with the Yiddish speaking guy and he would shout down to the truck, "Blackie, Cherry, Wishniak!" Wishniak being the Yiddish for "these lazy broads can't walk to the corner for a cherry coke!"
Thank Moysha for this blog...funny? you want funny..that's funny stuff..I need more time to come up with clever...I laughed till my white belt popped open...HaH!
All connesouers (sick) (Is that right?) drink Black Cherry Wishniak prior to "Chili Cookoffs" That way they can tell the Contenders from the Pretenders. Since I have been elected Chief Judge, I recently bought a case of BCW in quarts to prepare for the big day.
I checked the on-line dictionary and wissniak is not there! What's a "wishniak"?
I repeat, what's a WISHNIAK???
I didn't realize "pheenie" was spelled with a 'ph'...?
"Wishniak" was the last name of one of Poland's most famous soccer players... Puczykey Wishniak!
I believe Puczykey became an executive for Canada Dry and he lived next door to the Przybylinski family on the boulevard.
I didn't realize "pheenie" was spelled with a 'ph'...?
"Wishniak" was the last name of one of Poland's most famous soccer players... Puczykey Wishniak!
I believe Puczykey became an executive for Canada Dry and he lived next door to the Przybylinski family on the boulevard.
OOPS...I hit the button twice by mistake.
Just making sure my point is made.
The differences, though suttle, are easily detectable to the trained palate. For novices I am offering a few pointers:
-birch beer makes you burp.
-root beer makes you fart.
-real beer makes you pee.
Puczykey Wishniak? Come now my friend whom do you expect to belive that dribble? As a charter member of "Friends For Franks" I feel eminently quallified to speak on the CORRECT origin of BLACK CHERRY WISHNIAK.
Remember the Soda Man that delivered soda to the wealthier non-Christian types, and some very wealthy Irish-American girls in Lawndale? The guy who actually carried the soda to their door was black. The business was owned by a white Jewish guy with a heavy Eastern European accent who would waddle up to the door and ask, "Vhat do you need hon?" The Princesses would place their order with the Yiddish speaking guy and he would shout down to the truck, "Blackie, Cherry, Wishniak!" Wishniak being the Yiddish for "these lazy broads can't walk to the corner for a cherry coke!"
Regards, Hymie Stieffel
Thank Moysha for this blog...funny? you want funny..that's funny stuff..I need more time to come up with clever...I laughed till my white belt popped open...HaH!
It is a special (sweet)Cherry native to Eastern Europe. You know, kinda like a special Pea native to D street.
All connesouers (sick) (Is that right?) drink Black Cherry Wishniak prior to "Chili Cookoffs" That way they can tell the Contenders from the Pretenders. Since I have been elected Chief Judge, I recently bought a case of BCW in quarts to prepare for the big day.
Can we start the next WIWO after the Chili Cookoff, Please??? I have two cases of air freshener I am bringing to the cookoff.
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