Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The must-have decoration this Christmas... the upside-down tree | the Daily Mail

The must-have decoration this Christmas... the upside-down tree the Daily Mail Everything is Upside Down !!! click Title to read more


Anonymous said...

I suggest the following: A WIWO challenge that will last ONLY 6 weeks, not 6 months. There was too much time in the last one and all the participants, except yours' truly, cheated. All in favor signify by Burping!! Bring it on. That will get us ready for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

That poor upside-down tree looks like I FEEL by about 2:00 p.m. on Christmas Day! Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

I read the article accompanying the Post, I also viewed the photo via microphilm...In the Convent we all discussed the matter of an UPSIDE Down, Trinity Symboled, marketing ploy, Fake Tree, where the presents can be more "broadley" dispersed...while also allowing ornaments to be placed on the Tree and not have to Dangle on low-lying branches and WE in the Convent have decided..."we would definetly Buy one of these Trees..."

God Bless...

Anonymous said...

I think my Pop invented this concept some 25 years ago, God rest his soul. I remember being young and watching as he and my uncles struggled, having a real hell of a time getting the ancient tree stand to accept proper insertion of the bulbous stump (he used more colorful language). After several drinks (this was thirsty work), some unsolicited advice from my Grandmother, and more than a few expletives, he pioneered the concept of the upside down Christmas tree. The rest, as they say, is history...