Thursday, November 15, 2007


Do you use this word in Daily conversation? Do your kids end a spoken sentence with the Question Mark inflection? eg..."basically, we picked up Tom & Lisa and then went to the Mall???... if so...STOP IT !!!


Anonymous said...

Yo... Weirdos! As my baseball coach used to say, "We were basically very sound today, NO RUNS, NO HITS, NO ERRORS!" And he would continue: "Basically, we need to find a way to get someone to first base. We'll worry about going further after that."

Anonymous said...

I agree GP. Basically, that is one of my basic pet peeves. Another over-used word is "absolutely". Not that many things in life are ABSOLUTE! Howsomever, I may be mistaken; but, I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Hey webster dict. if I understand you correctly, you and I are "basically" in agreement!