Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday and Idiots...

I was not out there @12 Am or at 4Am...but I did Hear the News reports (on KYW) of people that were there... Who is more IDIOTIC?
  • The people that Camped Out for the Holiday Sales ?
  • The News Media people that were there to "Report" on the Holiday Sales ?
  • OR...The people that watched the News Report the Next Day about the Holiday Sales ?

Were any of YOU there ???


Anonymous said...

i don't get it and never will.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it three of the Tim McKendry offspring were idiotic enough to hit the Lancaster outlets at midnight... Children # 2, 3, and 6.

What the Buck? said...

Update!! It was three offspring and one is with child... The poor little one is already hooked!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Buck!...from the 2,3 and 6 alert, I read: Seana, Kate and Padriac...which one there is "with child" ?

Anonymous said...

Haha Kate is 7 months pregnant...i guess word doesn't travel so fast in the mckendry circle anymore.

anonymous redhead from las vegas