If you asked a female member of my family the answer would be something like "WellhereallycouldbemoresensitiveandaskmoreoftenhowI'mfeelingbuthereallydoesn'tsincehe'sanemotionlesspersonbutIthinkI'mgettingthroughtohimifonlyhewouldpayattentiontoeverythingItellhimabout." If you asked the male member of my family he'd probebly say, "I dunno."
huh? sorry, I wasn't listening...
i would say i'm a, uh, umm, about a,ahemm, 'bout a...you know, ah,
a 8 ???
If you asked a female member of my family the answer would be something like "WellhereallycouldbemoresensitiveandaskmoreoftenhowI'mfeelingbuthereallydoesn'tsincehe'sanemotionlesspersonbutIthinkI'mgettingthroughtohimifonlyhewouldpayattentiontoeverythingItellhimabout." If you asked the male member of my family he'd probebly say, "I dunno."
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