Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Should our President have the right to a "line item veto" ? and... Should a spouse have the same right?

Yes...more is an "Election Year" so I feel justified in bringing this stuff up...

What's a Line item veto mean ? has to do with certain people Spending too much Money...and how to keep them under Control !


Anonymous said...

Line item: an entry on a financial projection or report. To veto a line item simply means you strike that entry from all records. It is gone, history, forgotten. Definition from: Gay Caballero pool side reader.

Anonymous said...

a line item veto is equivalent to "the spouse" (usually a wife) giving you a List of things that need to be Bought! The way the Congress works is that the President has to ok ALL of the list or NONE of the List. With a "line item veto" the pres, or the spouse, could draw a line through some or all of the items on the List! Saying, ok, Buy this, but Not that...

Doesn't that make sense for your household and, ergo, for your Country ?

Anonymous said...

Much like the Congress, my spouse is very fond of the unfunded mandate.

Anonymous said...


What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!