Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Holiday Entertaining and the SOLO Cup Count

How many SOLO cups are enough? I'm not talking College Beer Bash here, I am talking Home Entertainment.

Eighteen people...4 College Age...14 Oldies.

Would you think 30 SOLO cups would be enough? Especially since some people are drinking from "high-ball" glasses and others' from Beer bottles or cans.

Do you toss your SOLO's @ home or do you put them in the dishwasher?

Or don't you SOLO ?


Anonymous said...

I never see or use a Solo cup without thinking of you, GeraldPea. Seems to me you prefer RED Solo cups, true?
I use them occasionally and we do have a few in the cupboard that have been washed/rinsed and reused.
Hope your entertaining was successful.

Anonymous said...

Maureen bought a pack of 200- no lie- red SOLO cups. We toss them. I made a comment that the SOLO's would last forever, to which Tim replied that they would be gone in less than a week. He's probably right.

Anonymous redhead

Anonymous said...


plastic anything is bad for the Environment and will kill us ALL!

BUT...I DO recycle my SILOS....

I am SILO friendly....

Anonymous said...

I usually toss my high ball glass! and move on to a Martini...

Anonymous said...

what is a "silo"? Do they come in red and blue also?

Anonymous said...

"Solo! Hay lapa no ya, Solo!"
-Jabba the Hutt circa 1974

Anonymous said...

the 6 people that were drinking from SOLOS asked me after an Hour..."do you have anymore cups?"

I looked in the trash can, picked it up, and poured it in their laps...

yes, I did...

Anonymous said...

Don't need no Solo cups. I drink right from the green bottle, yuengling. Ask my brother in law, John. He drank my last three on "Christmas" I had to make a special run just to replenish. We do not wash them out. We send them to Boston where they give you 05c deposit (cash refund)

Anonymous said...

Yellow SOLOS in the Summer...Red Solos in the winter...Blue Solos when I am feeling down...I Love my Solos...too often trashed too soon...

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!