Friday, January 18, 2008

Like I often do when out Dining...

I ordered Veal Parmigiana...
  • Got the platter
  • It had the noodles
  • Had the meat
  • Had the cheese on Top of the Meat

The wind must have been blowing in the right direction cause I heard the waitress ask if I wanted parmajohna on that...

I said nothing when I looked at the waitress...Judith Ann repeated what the Waitress asked

Jason looked at me and said, "well, do you?"

I said "SURE!", but thought... (why do you have to ask if I want parmajion cheese on Veal parminajon ?)

...Waitress goes to get the cheese, and Jason & Judith Ann laugh and ask...

"You don't know that it is mozerella cheese on that veal ?"

I say "No...then I ask them, if it's Motserella cheese why don't they call it 'Veal Motzerella' ? "...

Got home, Googled meat & cheese, and found there are Multiple ways to spell the same cheeses.

and "FINE DINING" is often confusing...


Anonymous said...

Yummm.......any way you "spell" it, Veal (Mozzarella) Parmiagiana is one of my favs! How WAS your dinner?

Anonymous said...

Commish, I agree. Last time I ate out (Hot Shoppes) I was disappointed also. They misspelled Fryed Onion Rings. Geez!!

Anonymous said...

I had homemade veal parmagina the other day- hated every minute of it.

Unknown said...

I didn't know the chicken parm at McDonald's came with extra cheese!

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful - one of the best dishes ever created.

The 34 Counts!

                                                                              OMG! No wonder he was foung Guilty! He is a definite threat to...