Saturday, March 15, 2008

Current Tech and...devices...

The wife and I had Lunch with mck5 recently. He was repeatedly checking his "whatever"...We Finally asked, "what in Gods' Tarnasion are you doing with that Device!" mck5 said, "when you have 6 Daughters you need to know how to Text." Is this NECESSARY? (and what is Wii?)


Anonymous said...

The Blaze comment above is evidence that the Tech Devices are vital !

Anonymous said...

If you had a Wii, Pea, we wouldn't see thee you'd be too busy playing Wii.

Anonymous said...

as one of said daughters, yes, it is vital.

Anonymous said...

Wait until slim gets an iphone- he'll be even more addicted!

John Lennon - Imagine (1971)

Were John & Yoko delusional?