Monday, March 31, 2008

Pipe Season...

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! SUN'S OUT, GUN'S OUT!!! Yup, you guessed it! It's that time of the year again. It's time for the pipes to get some sun. Enjoy it! Don't stare to long. Let some others get a glimpse. Spring is here! Opening day is here! WOOO HOOO!!!


Anonymous said...

I have never seen a guy Flex his bicep while holding a cigarette...

You remind me of the Marlboro Man.

Anonymous said...

Pea - when you flex your arm muscle do you always put your knees together in a feminine sort of way?

Anonymous said...

Blaze... that is not a feminine pose. We were 3 miles from the clubhouse. And no trees between here and there.

Anonymous said...

Who put that Muscle on me ?!?

Anonymous said...

nice tat!

The Becklets said...

Looking good. I was there when that picture was taken and somehow I didn't notice the big guns. Please tell me who your personal trainer is. I am in desperate need to lose the triplet weight before the beach.

Anonymous said...

If you have Trips and take them to the beach you will lose weight just chasing them! You, Patricia, now have THREE personal workout MACHINES....!!! and you will not be able to throw your dirty laundry on them...

Eagles preparing for the Playoffs...