Friday, May 9, 2008

Continuing the Music Theme...

The best 'best of' albums Presenting the 25 best "greatest hits" albums of all time. » Number 1 is no surprise The 25 best hair metal bands 10 cheesiest singers ever


Anonymous said...

I pretty much agree with All those Hits ! By the way...if you need a DJ I am still Breathing....

Anonymous said...

No. Stop the blasphemy. "The geeter with the heater" is not breathing. R.I.P. "Geeter"

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Geeter...check out this article in Philadelphia magazine...

Anonymous said...

copy and paste this to see the article.

according to this article, "Geator" is spelled with an "a"???



  Shenu Dissanayake 1 6 h    ·  Rare photo of a group of bears, relaxing, and discussing the best way to break into a Subaru...