Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How often do you awake in a "Bad Mood"?

...and how long 'til you turn it around?


Anonymous said...

It is a Zee gene. Not only do I wake up in a bad mood, but both of my kids do. Seana is the only pleasant one in the morning. Liam is the friendliest kid ever 99% of the time, just do not try to interrupt his sleep. Micky, she will dispense a beat-down for a good number of things, but she is particularly feisty when you wake her up!

Anonymous said...

I wake up singing and I go to bed singing... I am a sick puppy!! but it is true.

Anonymous said...

i have been told (often) that I am too Happy!

Anonymous said...

yeah...why, you got a problem with that???

Anonymous said...

i am not an idiot, i am just a Happy that mt Fault? or is it my Jeans ???er, genes...

Anonymous said...

what's a mt fault?

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy I don't care what it is:)

Anonymous said...

I wake up at my leisure, so I always wake up neutral. I'll never wake up happy and I will never wake up angry. Just neutral.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly why I haven't slept in over 12 years; don't wanna wake up unpleasant.


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