Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Since the Kane's (aka, CANNES) Film Festival is now going on in France...

( is that pronounced Khans or Kanes ?)...
...anyway...The Blog has a Movie Trivia Question:
  • In the Movie, er, Film, "The Magnificent Seven", how many of the Seven survived?
  • Name two Stars fom the Film
  • How many have No Clue what this Post is about ?


Anonymous said...

This is easy... 2 stars? Yul Brynner and the guy that rode next to him.

Anonymous said...

I can name all 7 Magnificent Seven:

Mary C.
Paul Gay-Cab

ha! ha! ha!

Anonymous said...

yul brenner and steve mcqueen along with bronson and... i Give Up...
But, they All survived !

Anonymous said...

if you watch Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen in one night....

(you fill in the punch line....)

Anonymous said...

who is arthur treacher ?


  Shenu Dissanayake 1 6 h    ·  Rare photo of a group of bears, relaxing, and discussing the best way to break into a Subaru...