Friday, July 4, 2008

I threw a Baseball 77 MPH today! and it seems that no-one is Impressed...

Was at a Picnic today with a Radar Gun...77MPH!!!!....BEAT THAT ! and it was done with my Reconstructed Right Shoulder, ie, new Labrum, new Rotator Cuff, and new Tricep Tendon. Yes Indeedee...


Anonymous said...


It has been brought to my attention that the scheduled family picnic / gathering may be in violation of a Homeland Security policy. Policy 176-982 (a) .3064 states, " no gathering of more than 3 people of terrorist nations or former countries that were at war with the USA may be held without Homeland Security authorization."

Running the invitee list through my CIA contact we discovered some alarming connections to a former terrorist nation. Apparently we McKendrys, ever diligent guardians of liberty have been infilitrated! They tried to hide it but baddies are always dumber than the good guys. Check this out and you too will be shocked. Follow closely folks it gets tricky. Dornisch, Semisch, Heimbuch, Widmier (Mrs O'Hare's maiden name) Geisel, Yebsley (Susan), Beck (ever read the Beck's Beer label?) Barnhardt (Joe White's mom) and Zee (claims he's Dutch but think about it; Dutch, Deutch,lives in Lititz, too close to ignore).

Needless to say we will begin the day with the pledge of allegiance. Alyce, you're in charge of watching to make sure there are no crossed fingers. Anybody know Joe McCarthy's number?

Anonymous said...

Slim is off his Rocker !

Anonymous said...

that would be YeAbsley, Slim, please try and remember!! Pretty close, though!!
Looking forward to the picnic!

Anonymous said...

what the Hell does this have to do with my 99MPH Fastball?!?

Anonymous said...

er...77MPH Fastball?

Anonymous said...

Dear Pea,
The only way you can get 77 mph on a radar gun is if you used a sling shot. Your arm made famous the St. A "battle cry" Rag Arm, Rag Arm... your shoulder would be lucky to throw it 7 mph, unless of course, your son was holding the gun.

Anonymous said...

somebody needs to check the calibration on that 'speed gun'. I say there's no way. Even Dutch, in his prime, could only BRING IT at 80 mph. OK, I don't know that for sure but, that's what John said.

I know some people that watched the butt kicking today in person...

  Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...) Justin, Luke, Jason & Sam...