Sunday, August 17, 2008

Congratufrigulations ~!~!!!!!

The gPea Blog salutes Michael and his Mates! Awesome Dudes !!!


Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Phelps & Torres so inspired Slim, that he's been sighted doing stretches & laps @ 5:30 a.m. @ his back-yard oasis-- & that he may be secretly training for the Lancaster 'bout dat?


Anonymous said...

Excuse me. Slim was not doing stretches and laps. I dropped him off at 5:15 am and some of his change fell out of his pocket. He was looking for the lost coins at 5:30. He did believe one rolled into the pool, thereby necessitating a quick plunge to recover the "GOLD". We were out celebrating the birth of the grand daughter.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Hamilton/McKendry families! Another beautiful lady joins the clan--how wonderful!!! Does the new Princess have a name yet???

Did Poppy recover his gold?

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