Tuesday, September 2, 2008

" I did not Know That Ed..."

Thanks to my little Brother Edward, I learned this Summer that The Sun Flower always Faces the Sun!..........
Did you know that ?
And what Revelations will Autumn bring ?


Anonymous said...

Huh???. Be that as it may, I was riding south the other evening as the sun was setting in the west. A field of sunflowers was to the east, my left, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but the backside of a zillion sunflowers! Sun setting to my right, sunflowers to my left and the flowers are NOT facing west. Hmmmm. Perhaps they clock out after the 6:00 o'clock news. In the past they have indeed been facing the sun but not tonight. "What anomaly is responsible for this?" I pondered. Is Obama standing in the sunflower field to the east thus confusing his brilliance with the sun's? Is it the apocolypse?

Too confusing for me. I'll ask Liam.

Anonymous said...

so, is Edward right when he says Sunflowers always face the sun or is Slim right that Sunflowers face Barak?

Anonymous said...

i have no idea what I'm talking about...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for comin' clean, Blaze!!