Air Products is a world leader in supplying Hydrogen and they have been working with government organizations, car manufacturers, and state leaders on developing the infrastructure of Hydrogen fueling stations. There are a number of them in California. It's the old chicken and the egg...manufacturers won't commit to building cars until there are filling stations and visa versa.
Anyway, someday there will be more Hydrogen powered cars. Our children's children may be driving one someday. The ride is very cool, no difference in acceleration at all. So, maybe I just experienced a little bit of history?
Check out this website to learn more...
Blaze, Any possibility we can get that vehicle for the Masters Trip?? Pleanty of leg room!!
hey PEA? you now have Air Products advertising on the Blog? How much $$$ are they paying you? Whatever it is it isn't enough! Sell one of those cars to each Family in this Dynasty and they get their $$$ back!
how is Hydrogen made?
Try having a glass of milk with spaghetti (eww, gross). That would cause Hydrogen to form in my stomach.
Methane. BM's need a methane car. We'd never have to buy it from anyone.
As a strong "C" chemistry student tutored by the eminent Fr. Benisheck I'll try to explain to you "General" and "Commercial" students how hydrogen is made.
You get one of those beaker things. A flame and a real smart kid and ask the smart kid to help ya a second. Presto! Hydrogen
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