Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some that visit this Blog Laugh at My Political Posts, Jim Kuhnenn, from the AP, is sweating the Sarah Influence...

Palin defends terrorist comment against Obama - Yahoo! News I trust you can read between the Lines.
  • Trust this, Barak is not a Guy that we know
  • Trust this, John McCain is the guy that reaches across the Aisle in Politics
  • Trust this, Sarah speaks the Truth
  • Trust this, Sarah is upsetting the Political Apple Cart
  • Trust this, Politics will continue on the Blog...

Barak says 95% of Americans will get a Tax break if he is Elected...but... If only 60% of Americans actually pay Income Tax... how will 95% of us get aTax Break?

"jus assi'n"

ps, do you all know the bill ayers/dorn story?

pps...I am just getting Wound Up Here! you can see, My Grandson is very interested!


Anonymous said...

trust this....Sarah is not ready to be VP/Pres! Think I'm betcha - wink, wink!

Anonymous said...

I love Sarah and hope to see her as the next VP!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Sarah just buy a house in Oreland??? Now V.P.?

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...