Saturday, November 29, 2008

If you have a Space on the Web you need to...

remind or inform people of your URL, or Address... least that's what I think! For example, did you know that my oldest Grandson ran 3 miles in the Turkey Trot in 51 minutes? And, my Grandaughter ran 2 miles in 9:46:02? And, my youngest Son has a Tan and can Bench Press 32 pounds? And, the Trips' are teething! And, the Dorno's from Boston visited the 'burg... And, on & on...


Anonymous said...

The youngest Dorno grandchild, his parents and extended family can be "followed" at

Forgive me now, I DO NOT update it as often as gpea...I'm what they call a slacker blogger!

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of feedback we need! TY Mary! People ask me, how do I get to this Blog or that Blog? I have no clue! I put them on my Favorites when I first saw them and do not have the URL, address! I will say though, Mary, I have taken considerable abuse for not properly "cutting & pasting" and your URL is not "clickable"! as Meghan & Keelan's were not "clickable"!
Aren't links supposed to be underlined?
I know..."that pea can be such a PITA!"...... :>)

Anonymous said...

I can "cut and paste" just fine. Question, what's a URL and what's a PITA??

The Becklets said...

The Becklets can be followed at the following link....(should be "clickable")...

The Becklets said...

OK, not "clikcable." Those wishing to view the Becklets blog will have to either cut & paste from above comment or type in

Anonymous said...

How busy are you Pea that you need "clickable" vs copy and paste? If yer that busy ya shouldn't be wasting time reading this muck.

Anonymous said...

Trump misses $53M interest an Xample of a Copy & Paster...believe me! My Tuscons have ridden e on this stuff! And a URL is your Internet address..

Anonymous said...


Why is Trump antagonizing Canada?