The Augusta Trip...that's in Georgia
We need to pay the people that supplied the Tickets and we need to pay the Person that paid for the Hotel Reservations....
YouTube - Willie Nelson - Ray Charles - Georgia on my mind (click to view)
Blaze has anointed me "The Point Man" for the trip to the Masters in April. Believe it or not, the logistics are pretty well set!
The tickets for the Tuesday & Wednesday @ Augusta have been secured (that would be 4/7 & 4/8/09)
The reservations for Hotel rooms in Madison, Ga have been made.
Blaze will look into renting a van thru Air Products in hopes of a corporate discount.
All we need to do now is "pay up" !
$150.00 for the tickets to the tournament + $80.00 for two nights in Madison, the van bill will come later. More info will follow as it becomes necessary...
(oh yes, and...Save a Seal...Club a Liberal....)
Man...I can't wait, this will be a trip to remember! Thanks for the reminder..gotta get the rubbles together...FOUR!!!
I think it's great that you guys are going, an opportunity of a lifetime!!! Did it ever cross your minds, that perhaps the BM wives would like to go - O well - know that won't happen - have a great time - I'm sure you'll have a blast!!!!!!!!!!
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