Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogging 101...

  • As we know, there are certain people that Post Blog Topics. Among them, T.J., Blaze, YoYo and Pea. Others' have been invited to contribute but, thus far, have elected not to do so. I bring this up 'cause some Bloggers have said to me, "no-one is responding! Should I keep it up?" Remember when I unceremoniously ended the first WIWO Blog? I was castigated! I felt the same way, no-one cared, why do it, I'm just being foolish... Which brings me to my Point!
  • Sam asked me, "how often do you listen to talk radio"?
  • I said, "practically every day"
  • Sam asked, "how many times have you called in?"
  • I said, "never"
  • Point taken...
  • Get the Point?

also, sometimes you will blog stupid stuff.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame me...I just learned to use a computer!! In fact, I still have no idea how to enter a subject or a picture. Here I am stuck in the 20th century with no hope to get out. Why? you ask, don't I learn? Nice question but not so easy to answer. Ya see I'm still trying to figure out a2 x y2 (m3 + q4)- m3 + z6....and that ain't so easy either. But just yesterday, wednesday in eastern zone, I asked my gorgeous offspring why she doesn't contribute to the blog and she said she didn't have the address so I said I'd give it to her but then I realized I just don't know how to do that cause I'm stuck in the 20th century so I'm gonna have to get somebody to show me just as soon as I figure out the above mentioned brain twister which is a genuinely numbing exercise because my brain just goes into lockdown and i can't stop talking but you can bet your licorice I'll be checking out this new blog which I learned to can't stop doing this cause I just learned about it.

Anonymous said...

Stoneman...welcome to the club! We will get you up and running as a contributor because I can't wait to see the kinds of subjects you would post.
* Breaking ANY full court Press without the ball EVER hitting the floor
* how to install a penil implant (yikes)
* and much, much more...

Anonymous said...

Stoneman..welcome. With a moniker like "stoneman", you might want to check out the blog on Marijuana use from a week or so ago...remember,we all use nicknames, so no one will ever know whose comments are whose...but here's a clue: YOYO Ma is not the guy who sat at the end of the bench at the Palestra for 50 years or so... Nice to have ya Stoneman!


  An important note for those  who follow statement fashion ,  First Lady Melania Trump is wearing a gown designed by HervĂ© Pierre.  The STU...