Monday, February 2, 2009

A Few Super Bowl Observations...

  • The Cardinals did better than I thought they would
  • I thought John Madden was good
  • Ben Rotthisburger is one Lucky Dude
  • The infamous commercials were duds
  • Larry Fitz's butt is disproportioned from the rest of his body
  • The refs were not good, what about the 15 yds vs Holmes?
  • Where were the "fast" guys in pursuit of #92?
  • DonAvan would have kicked butt!
  • and I thank the Boss for keeping his mouth shut re: Politics


Anonymous said...

Halftime was great too. Fitzgerald has that runner's butt; it sits right under the shoulder blades.

The problem with the Steelers win is that we all have to put up with their obnoxious fans, nothing personal there Scott. Only thing worse than them is a Red Sox fan....check that Mets fans are in the same boat. Then again I forgot the Cowboys, Celtics, Lakers, Yankees, Hurricanes, etc, etc

Anonymous said...

who are the Hurricanes?

Anonymous said...

Thought it was a great game beginning with the interception and the second half...Cards were terrific...tired of Steeler Nation though... How I would have loved a second parade...

Anonymous said...

With Donovan as the "Drum Major" i believe our chances for a parade are None and Never!!! Can't we bring back Adrian Burk??

Anonymous said...

Miami Hurricanes.