Judith Ann was going thru some "paper work" on Sunday afternoon & informs me that she missed Jury Duty last Friday...
I say, "What"?...
What are the ramifications of this? I am thinking a "Bench Warrant" for her arrest?!?
She "forgot" to mention it to me AND "forgot" to Go...
Meanwhile, I have a Wig on and the blinds closed while I peep out for the Squad Car that is sure to Show up...!
What to do? "WWJD"? "WWYD"?
Get some guns, plenty of ammo, put the bureau up vs. the front/back door and wait....Strap some bombs to Coco, hang a ladder up the side of the house and go up and watch for the 1st invader. Signal when ya see the blue of their cars and scamper down the ladder. Go back inside and wait.... When they step on your private property yell out that yer not cumin w/ot a fight. Remember it's yer constitutional right for any man to defend his home with a pistol, rifle or bazooka or tank, if ya can get a fair deal on a lease. Proally gotta pay cash fer the damn ammo. Anyways, git ready to fire away.
All the while yer firin and firin from window ta window, to distract the bastards, jus remember yer allowed to defend yer house.......oh shit, yer defendin the wife. Ya got no right to do that. Jus hander over and wish her well. Ya can see her once oa month for an hour over the next 1-/15 yrs..............Now go in and put away the hardware and get that tank back or yull havta pay an extra day. Oh yea, unload Coco and pull down the ladder. Enjoy the day...
Head to Columbia...nobody goes there..
When they DO come for her, maybe Judith Ann could "cry for a good reason", "cry when she wants to and continue to "cry often"!!!
It MIGHT work!
The style is nice, but I'm not so sure that color wig is becoming to you. hm...........
Get some guns, plenty of ammo, put the bureau up vs. the front/back door and wait....Strap some bombs to Coco, hang a ladder up the side of the house and go up and watch for the 1st invader. Signal when ya see the blue of their cars and scamper down the ladder. Go back inside and wait.... When they step on your private property yell out that yer not cumin w/ot a fight. Remember it's yer constitutional right for any man to defend his home with a pistol, rifle or bazooka or tank, if ya can get a fair deal on a lease. Proally gotta pay cash fer the damn ammo. Anyways, git ready to fire away.
All the while yer firin and firin from window ta window, to distract the bastards, jus remember yer allowed to defend yer house.......oh shit, yer defendin the wife. Ya got no right to do that. Jus hander over and wish her well. Ya can see her once oa month for an hour over the next 1-/15 yrs..............Now go in and put away the hardware and get that tank back or yull havta pay an extra day. Oh yea, unload Coco and pull down the ladder. Enjoy the day...
Gotta hand it to Uncle Stoney, he's an"original"...tho a triffle scary with the details and all...made me laugh!
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