Tuesday, April 14, 2009


68 YEARS AGO TODAY...Paul was 5 Days old and Claims he was "at the Reception" also claims he had "a Glass of wine in his Hand"...I suppose he was there "trying to make his connection" to Alyce, of course
Is it Eeerie to you OR Cool to you to see the couple that Made us...Posing for Photos on their Wedding Day? Personally, I Love it!
and Paul, since you were there...where was The Reception held? and...were you able to "get what you want" ed?


Anonymous said...

GREAT picture Pea. I believe the reception was in a house (who's??) on Medary Avenue in Germantown near where Aunt Kate lived on Opal St. I'm only about 60% sure. Paul will know.....
Unlike Elaine & .... I'm not back. Just was affected by seeing that picture. By the way, if ya can make a copy I'd like to have it. Gracias.

The Youngest said...

Great photo. Amazing to me to see so many characteristics of all of us in both of them. I even see a little of my daughter in Mother. And after all the years of ups & downs, criticism and praise, they made a great family. God Bless them both & Happy Anniversary!

first born said...

I don't know what that sentence in the middle of "Anonymous'" comment is about! Also, if "Anonymous" is one of the original BMs, you should have a copy of that picture.


A little trivia:

: I remember that picture haning in their bedroom for years.

: Mother was always bothered by the way her hair looked--longer on one side than on the other. (I guess her hairdresser/maid of honor, Kate, was busy dancing & didn't notice!)

: Yes, the reception was in someone's home, though I never heard of "Medary Ave"; I don't know if that's "where" it was held.

: They honeymooned in D.C.--the big deal back then was to go to see the cherry blossoms in bloom.

: When I was about 8, I found Mother's wedding dress rolled up in a brown-paper bag in the cedar closet. When I brought it out & asked about it, Mother said I could play with it. I have many happy memories of playing dress-up in that dress!

: Maid of Honor, Kate designed & made her own hat for the occasion.
I, too, see Anna in that picture & her Dad, too!

Michael looks like Mary said...

Just absolutely beautiful...Photo and comments...great post Pea! Happy Anniversary Jack & Mary.

Anonymous said...

Great picture. Pea, Anonymous wants a copy? I guess you send it to Anonymous 123 Main St. Anytown USA 11111. Must be an in law to be that bright...

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to look. It's not good for my mood but the pic. makes me think about sooooo much. Life is sooo unfair to some and sooo generous to others who too often think it's their right....
Oh, I got questions to ask when I get there. Just hope I don't get there for a looong time. Tax day boyyyss..."up the golden stairs" and pay up!!!!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!