Friday, April 24, 2009

OK...the request was made by "Mother Earth" that the Blog ask...

What are YOU doing to "Go Green"? other than wearing a Green McK Bros shirt...
  • was this said cynically or seriously?
  • what are you doing to help the Planet?
  • Do you believe the Planet is in Peril?

I read an article this week that cited a Survey that 58% of kids between ages 6 and 12 believe the Planet will be inhabitable when they are Adults! That is scary stuff! And I believe it is wrong for adults to scare kids like that!


Gay Cabaplanet said...

Pea, I definitely agree wih the kids. This planet will stil be inhabitable when they are adults. Not to worry. All overblown hype!!

JUstin, Amanda & Luke McK said...

We are fine with the Ocean getting closer to our house. It will increase our property value, our Dad says.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!