Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday...

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey and people threw their clothes and palms before Him, it was the start of Holy Week...
On a more Local level, it brings to mind March 17, 1961...
  • CD vs. St Tommy (no) Moore...Championship Game
  • I was in the stands; Sec. 296, Row 017, Seat 17...
  • CD leads 59-58, 23 Seconds remain...CD running out the Clock...
  • CD Point Guard just dribbling outside... No Defenders...
  • Pontius Pilate, er, the Ref, Blows his whistle & calls.... Palming!!!
  • Gives the Ball to St. Tommy (no) Moore, they dribble around...
  • Same Ref calls a Foul with 17 Seconds left...
  • Larry White, a 20 year old Sophomore (who claimed he was 17 at the time), makes both ends of a one and one...and
  • CD Loses
  • AND PALM SUNDAY goes down in CD Lore...

QUESTION?... did Jesus know what he was getting into when he rode that Donkey into Town... and did He know about the Ref he was about to Face ?

Referees can be So Wrong!


I did not palm it! said...

Ya got ALL of it DAMN RIGHT Pea! I was there too and I've even received anniversary cards over the yrs from an old h.s. friend who has always refused to admit. By the way, never give current dribbling stars too much credit since the "palming" rule apparently was eliminated along the way, although nobody informed us old goats!!!! Damit...we were by far the better team...beat em by 15 during the season. Actually '61 was CD's all time best team. It'd be great to play '64 but unfortunately two my great temamates have been in heaven for several yrs. Jumping Joe White is proally still blocking Maurice's s shots. Thanks for the blog!!!

Ed kennedy said...

The Ref said: "Some people call them as they see them, some people call them as they are, but they ain't nothing until I call them." You know you could have asked for a review on instant replay. St. Thomas (Forever) Moore.

Ed Kennedy STM '52 said...

The previous post signed by a STM grad.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!