Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Response to a Question that has Not yet Been Asked...

How is your knee doing Gerald Pea? Remember my swollen knee problem and the CANE from last Saturday when all expressed concern? (ahemm) Including, the Question..."whatever happened to the muscles in your Thighs?" comment when I dropped my Trousers to show my "Wounded Knee"? Well, I thought I would Post about my day...Today I...
  • Went to the good ole' VA Medical Center @9AM & had to park in a Fire Zone!
  • The parking is Free...if you can find it! anyway,
  • They gave me an Exam & an MRI,did an anaysis and concluded
  • No Damage! No torn ligaments, No cartlidge Damage, No structural damage, no kneed to worry!... they said..."u are still a Stud, Specialist 5th Class McKendry!"
  • So, I ask, "Why is my knee the size of a Grapefruit?"
  • They admit that they have no clue, so they "DRAIN" it! (they even put the Drained fluid under a microscope looking to determine I know not what)
  • YIKES! that Hurt...but it already feels better.

Just thought you would want to know... and also... in keeping the Window into my Life open just a smidgen...I add this...

They, at the VA, are smothering me with Care...I have an AIDS test scheduled for mid-May...and a Pap Smear in early June... and I think I heard someone say a Mammogram should be scheduled...Yikes!


edward J. said...

How weird...I'm glad your pain is going away already. In high school, I played football with Tommy Simmons, son of Curt Simmons former Phillies pitcher. Anyway, Tommy Simmons was as macho as they came and he used to get his knee drained once a week so he could play football. A real knucklehead. He used to bite down a key during the painful process, the key was all bent up. Why do people do the things they do for 'sport'?
Feel better Gerald Pea. I guess you can cross that one off your injury list (back, hip, knee...).

a curious fan said...

how about a picture of those powerful thighs that you mention??

Cardiac Cooker said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend Gerald...I've never had my knee drained, but I bet it hurts like hell...I did have my heart sac drained a few times tho...didn't hurt, prolly cause i was "out of it"..did make me nervous as hell tho, when I thought about's to the health of all of us!! Cheers Brother!

sis said...

I had my knee drained SEVERAL times. Seriously, IT DIDN'T HURT A BIT! and it DOES give almost instant relief, once they get all that icky yellow stuff outtathere!

Good luck, lil' brother! Love ya.

Dutch said...

Sorry, I don't have any knees to drain. No Comment.

pea said...

Sis, your pain threshold doesn't count with have had 5 kids...We have a different threshold!

me said...

Oh Pea....between u and the comments there is so much to say!!
Alyce, til now it's a secret that u had your knee drained and didn't complain or let us know. The five kids u should complain about. Not only do women carry 4 9 mos. but then u gotta push/scream em out into the world and then push/scream them to school and to come in early. Ugot my admiration 4 pain and suffering. Get the lawn mower fixed yet??
Blaze: If someone took ur guitar and wouldn't let u playit or touch it would u get ur knee drained??? Thought so. As good an athlete as you were I think you'd agree that most of it was natural and your real love was music. If I'm correct just let it be known that HOF Robin Roberts said the same thing to me when I asked about your baseball ablity (ad he bought me a scotch of the rocks).
Pea: Suck up all the VA bennies and all the other social bennies our great country has to offer. You deserve them. Ur knee is a mystery but if it persists go back. It's not unusual if it appears sporadically. As for the thighs there's gotta be a machine to help. As for the lower back, see an orthopedic suregeon next time, if for nada but a different perspective. Ask for the one who specializes in back work or they'll give ya the guy for hips/knees.
Dutch: No fluid cause u switched to Cobalt Chrome/High density polyethylene/titanium. Your good to go for about 25 yrs. unless u run the Hbg Marathon. No fluid...peace of mind.

Pvt.1st class McK. said...

I just spent a day w/ a great friend, Tom McLaughlin, from St.F Had lunch and great conversation about past, Vietnam, hero Billy Ryan, life and current maladies and future. Last yr. Tom had double lung transplant @ U of Pa hosp. It was quite an adventure after he had to be medivacued from Ft. Wash. He had then approx. 9% lung efficiencey and fading quickly. A nurse @ Abington hosp. saved his life by quick response/treatment and then demand for helicopter from Hup ASAP> A week later Tom had the surgery and today is functioning great. He tires and must avoid colds, etc. and knows he is on finite time. (+/- 5 yrs for transplants)I treasure my old friends and am so glad I've stayed in touch thru the yrs. Considering the history/state of my life it is so uplifting when I see these guys from college. They make me feel good and proud to be their friend...and they tell me I do the same for them. Hard to believe Harry. Life is pretty good. P.S I dropped him at airport on Sat. am to go back to Naples Fl. On friday afternoon he was shaking and cold when I dropped him at hotel. He called later and told me he was ok...and much better on sat. am. It was a scary experience for me when he got cold/shaky in the restaurant (Rembrandt's)at lunch. He wanted to talk but Dr. McK. told him he needed to take a nap. Tom insisted he doesn't nap so I had to knock him out and carry him to his room.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!