Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This Art Work is 16' Long...

...and says, What?...

Questions abound:

  1. Is this a "painting"?
  2. Is this done on Canvas?
  3. Creating a 16' work of art in a College Apt? how was that done?
  4. How long did it take to create?
  5. What is the Opening Bid Price?
  6. Was the Artist Interviewed ?



Uncle Stoney said...

My nephew could be the new Picasso! Who knew? How was it done? So humble and so private....a reclusive genius or an eccentric genius pizza maker??? These questions must be asked if we are to unlock the knowledge of the "incredible 16 footer"! Where will it be displayed? Who will move it? When it was complete how did they get it out of the apt.??? Was this a type of "ship in the bottle"? WE MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THIS GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!

aunt mona lisa said...

Will the painting fit over your fireplace, Proud Mom & Dad?

Anonymous said...

Chris, I am thoroughly impressed! I do ponder, how does a yuppie from Allentown who once donned lederhosen become involved with street art? Just asssin...

Anonymous said...

I like it a lot!

If there are no takers, I do need a brightly colored truck tarp.....

Unc T

Pea said...

what is lederhosen? this is a very strange groupae'...(little Spanish lingo there)

lederhosen??? Last time I didn't know a word here it had to due with booty, or whatever...

Meanwhile, Christopher seems to be entering into the Andy Warhol World! Hopefully, without the Baggage!

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!