Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dancing with the McKendrys

Justin and Amanda's "Dancing with The Stars" audition tape


uncle John said...

They are BEAUTIFUL! They also have a sense of rhythm that Grandpop Gerry could never find. Sam and Kelly please please cherish every second you have with your beautiful kids. While you're at it make an instruction tape for Pea to practice.

Pea said...

uncle john has no clue...with All Due Respect, the best Dancing BM was Pea! As the Grandpa I can say that Amanda Can Dance! While Justin is struggling with the Rhythm thing. But he appears to have No inhibitions! A Good Feature...

blazer said...

adorable...i have to admit, i was flinching a little waiting for one of their arms to snap when they did the twists and turns.

amckd said...

SO, SO CUTE!!! I would vote for them! I think they've been watching Mommy & Daddy-- where else would they have learned their moves?

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact, their Grand Pop Pea DID in fact take dance lessons at The Rec. Look it up. Fact.

Mary's #1 said...

Pea, as I recall the lessons were free!!! I was curious at the time why Mother was taking you and Miguel for tap dancing lessons. She told me that both of you needed work on your flexibility, dexterity and quickness. Funny how she didn't see the need for mwah. Yuk yuk...and so it went around 1952.

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...