Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting older & Health Issues

It seems that every time I talk to Family & Friends that are my age the Topic always turns to the State of Our Health! Most everybody has a problem (with the exception of Dutch, who, since his Knees have been straightened out, appears to be Fine). Today I find out that a Second Brother has Diabetes. Where is this stuff coming from?
  • My Advice..do-not shake hands with anyone. A Fist Bump is Fine
  • Wash your hands 27 times per day
  • Drink 12 Gallons of water per day to Flush the system
  • Eat lots of Fiber (floaters are Good)
  • Have a Hearing checkup for your kids
  • Keep Moving! Even if it Hurts
  • If you see the Doctor, make sure it is for something that is REALLY bothering you!
  • As long as you are Moving U can eat what you want
  • Thank you for your attention...
Doctor Pea, as opposed to Doctor Oz...


pea said...

Tootin' a Horn here...Brett Favre wants to play again but his Bicep tendon snapped. His rotator cuff and Labrum are fine...He is not willing to undergo surgery for the Bicep thing. Well...I hit the Trifecta when I had my shoulder surgery! In one morning session at Bryn Mawr Hospital they did all THREE repairs to my Throwing Arm! Bicep/Rotator/Labrum (BRL) Bottom line? Took me seven months to regain strenghth but I am now throwing better than ever!!!

Edward J. said...

guess that explains why you always had a funny throwing motion, a little feminine even. Glad you're feeling better, when will you be back on the mound?

Gay Caballero said...

I believe it comes from your diet. Whenever I feel kinda draggy and a quart low, I grab another bottle of wine with some hard pretzels. In no time I'm feeling like my "Young" as opposed to "Old" self.