I have!.. one of the funniest Times you will ever have! He has no Clue! No Clue what Game he is Playing !
- in the 90's we found ourselves at a Black Jack Table in Atlantic City
- We were 4 seats apart
- Cooker was drawing for a 4 when he had a 17 Dealt to him...we may as well have been playing Canasta, he had No Idea!
- He started giving me Head/Nose/Chin and Eye Signals that were not pre-approved!
- Next thing I know, the other six people walked off!
- And Cooker was telling the Dealer "possible/possible"...
- We were kicked off the Table & I was Humiliated..Won $2300.00 that day...
Cooker wanted to head for the Craps Table...I steered him off to the Beach...Whew...
i have played cards once, in your basement on Meade Rd. never did understand any of it...
Cards, dig you say Cards?? I'm in. Are we playing 500 Rummy or War??
Why not reminish about days at AC track in summer of ought70. The bird man lives.....
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