Monday, May 18, 2009

My three favorite Talk Show Hosts & IF I were looking for a Date...

The Talk Show Hosts would be:
  1. Rush Limbaugh, 12:10AM, Noon to Three
  2. Dennis Prager, 9:90AM, Noon to Three
  3. Michael Medved 9:90AM, 3:00 to 6:00PM
I used to listen to Al Franken, Randi Rhoades and Rachel Maddow when they were available thru Air America, but they were so bad that they lasted about 6 months and they were dropped!
As for a Date, IF I were looking. I would go to! 236 couples a day get married after meeting on E-Harmony ! Plus, they advertise on my Favorite Radio Stations!


Yo Yo Swinger said...

If I was looking for a date I would roll to the O.D. with the smoothest Uncle I have, Uncle Stoney...

pea said...

Swinger & Stoney should hav radio head sets on while they are "rolling" at the OD and other Famous Haunts down a shore