Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who is causing the Fuss here...

John-Kate-The Eight-The Paparazzi-The Media ? The Body Guard? The Waitress?
  • Will they Survive another Season ?


Dutch said...

Sorry, but I don't know the people in this photo. Are they another branch of our family? They don't even look German. How are we to know??

Anonymous said...

They are BOTH to blame. She's a witch and he's an idiot who doesn't know what support payments are for 8 kids that age. She needs a "bodyguard" in Lancaster? C'mon who you kidding? They're on their 3rd house? She has nanny help, house cleaner, laundry person etc.

Maybe the kids will get their own spinoff. "8 Is Enough"

pea said...

the papa people. you cannot blame jon and kate they are looking for cash to raise the kids. kate is a bitch and jon is an idiot but lots of marriages survive that combo. if i had the money i would have a body guard. Lancaster is not that safe a place anymore. especially if i were a student! Dutch not knowing the people in the photo means he is not into current events. and the fact that Slim critisizes them for having lived in three homes pales when we consider that Slim and Mo have lived in more homes than all of their siblings combined! BOTTOM LINE? They had 9 million viewers on the new season premier! Only in America!


AMEN, Brother Pea!!!