Thursday, June 4, 2009

Am I unreasonably Psyched about the Phils?

  • They whip the Yankees
  • The Nationals are patsies
  • San Diego succumbs
  • JA Happ excels
  • That rookie kid "with an attitude" that the Graphic said he was from DR and I am wondering Delaware? throws 95mph in his debut
  • Raul Rules
  • J Rol has stunk & we still lead the METS by 3 & 1/2
  • and they have 5 or six STUDS in the Farm System!


eblaze said...

The Phil's are just a big part of this time of year. It's a bonus that they are good. I think they are starting to hit a rhythm. Do you think they need to find a #2 starter to replace Myers? I think they do but they don't want some head-case or bank breaker. What would you do if you were Reuben Amaro??

Anonymous said...

Is that a "shouout"? DR is Dominican Republic for $50.00 Bob.

Casey Stengel said...

Baseball today makes me crazy! What is with this pitch count? 100? what is that? why not make it 88? why not make it 128? what would Whitey Ford or Tom Seaver say? Ridiculous!

Gay Caballero said...

Rookies, Dial it up!! Robin Roberts won 20 games 6 consecutive seasons during the '50's. In that span of 20 win seasons he threw at least 304 innings SIX TIMES. That's innings Mutton Head not pitches. Pitch count? What pitch count? Are you kidding me??

Anonymous said...

UPDATE, Pea: Check the bullpen in LaLa land excursion....stinko. The pen has been on borrowed time for two yrs. I'm quite sure the sky will be falling too. A filly phan.

old goat in bleachers said...

COMPLETE games for Robbie: 390+. He was as good as any righthander then or now but he was so smooth and consistent and played with turkeys that nobody paid attention. Could switch hit and used as base runner as well. Just try to imagine a switch hitting running (aggressive) pitcher today. Geez, they don't sweat or get the uni's dirty. Can't do it in 5 innings (QUALITY) game. QUALITY Start: 5/6 innings w/ less that 4 runs. WOW and HOLLY COW that's only 5.5/6 runs for a 9 inning game. And they get an ovation for it. Robbie would have been embarrassed!!!!!

Zyminski said...

Whoever posted this, THANKS for jinxing the fightin's.

fart-a-lot said...

the old goat has some good points...

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!