Monday, June 22, 2009

CollegeWorld Series/Omaha/Leg Cramps

Cramps should not happen to players in High Profile Events.
  • Andy Reid knew this when he had the Eagles drinking whatever it was before their game in ...wherever it was! College World Series in least two players out with CRAMPS! Is Omaha that Hot that it will drain your fluids? AND...what was the Fluid Andy prescribed to prevent CRAMPS!
  • THEY HURT...


Dr. Stoney said...

Ya hear about Gatorade? Our electrolytes burn off in intense heat, whether you're playing or juss bummin'. If ya want to stay balanced replace the electrolytes. In addition any fluid like water is imperative. Their trainers are gonna take a bundle of criticism be/ of the cramps!!!!

stoney said...

p.s. electrolytes conduct electric currents in our bodies' muscles when exercising and sweating and like anything electric, they require cooling or quick replacement before they cause a short circuit to blow like in a muscle that is electrolyte depleted. Close enough....Consider what this info cost you before you blow it away.......

Yo Yo Pickle Head said...

The game you speak of is known as "The Pickle Juice Game"...

Click Here for more Pickle Juice news.

Gay said...

To all you "Old Farts": You must have a muscle to get a cramp. The one in your head does not count. Therefore, Y'all have nothing to worry about,


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