Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Speaking of "hanging out"

The left one is the Sears Tower, 1353 ft above the Street! Tallest Building in the USA. On the right is the Grand Canyon "Sky Walk", 3600 ft above the Canyon. Would you venture onto either one ?


iwouldandidid said...

yes. Yes. and, YES.

Stoneman said...

I knew a guy @ IBM when I worked there who yrs. later became VP of Challenger Grey & Christmas who , at the time was one of two prominent "Outplacement" firms. They contracted w/ corporations to handle all of the "mess" when the co. laid off people in the upper management levels. The commissions could be considerable be/ they were based on the total salaries + other perks. Well, Ton Weiss called me out of the blue and said come to Chicago and meet everybody and you can make "a lot of money". I went and stayed three days and was wined/dined. The offices were three floors below heaven and the private dining room was heaven, They explained to me how the bldg. was actually moving with the force of the Chicago winds (locally referred to as 'The Hawk'). I took the job and couple days later had to go to Dartmouth U. in Hanover NH and "transition" a couple people immediately after they were told "goodbye". As part of the service we went w/ said people to home to explain to their spouses, if necessary. Don't ya know who got a crying hysterical executive w/ three kids in college and a huge mortgage and a wife from HELL> You betcha, ol' Jonny boy. I go w/ him to help explain the consequences of the tragedy and she and I get into a screraming, go to hell dialogue. She calls her hysterical husband a "freeking' loser and tells me to get the hell outta my house. I comply w/ great relief and as I look back I can tell her mousey hubbie wants nothing more than to go w/ me. I drive from Hanover NH (a gorgeous place) and decide the others may get rich but I have no desire to do this job and I cordially resign after one week on the payroll. Moral? Don't interview w/ a company in a swaying tall bldg. cause all it el git ya is a screaming cussing confrontation w/ a mad bi'ch in New Hampshire........but, they have great camps there!!!!!!!!


  Shenu Dissanayake 1 6 h    ·  Rare photo of a group of bears, relaxing, and discussing the best way to break into a Subaru...