Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Because the Pea Blog is a cutting edge News Source we must comment on the Death of Ted Kennedy...

  • "if you have nothing Good to say about someone, say nothing at all."...


Saint Dutch said...

Forgiveness is what the Lord Jesus came to teach. It appears some have never learned that.

Edward J. said...

since Saint Dutch and I seem to be the only ones reading and commenting on your blog nowadays, I'll send in a comment to fill up the page. I'm sure you could come up with something positive to say about Mr. Kennedy...

sista sista said...

...Gerald: do you not remember Mother's favorite name for you? So many times, I heard her refer to you as her "little PEACEMAKER"?

Be nice! Ted was someone's beloved son/brother/father/husband(s)/grandfather/friend. We're not suggesting sainthood for the guy (who among us deserves THAT?!)

...AND, he had GREAT HAIR!

Gerald Pea said...

sometimes i just like to stir things up...mother also said i could be a real stinker! hehehehe

#1 said...

true 'dat!